www.gafam.info icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
www.gafam.info copied to clipboard

Sources of the gafam.info web page

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/gafam/www.gafam.info.svg :target: https://github.com/gafam/www.gafam.info


############## www.gafam.info ##############


This repository contains the sources of the gafam.info_ web page.

It is about collecting, maintaining and promoting translations of the GAFAM poster campaign_ by La Quadrature du Net_.

The web page and its accompanying repository gafam-poster-translations_ are intended to support the lovely people of LQDN in spreading the word about their campaign.

Contributions are always welcome!

.. _gafam.info: https://gafam.info/ .. _GAFAM poster campaign: https://twitter.com/laquadrature/status/942764007286591490 .. _La Quadrature du Net: https://www.laquadrature.net/ .. _gafam-poster-translations: https://github.com/gafam/gafam-poster-translations


Create development sandbox in .venv folder::

{apt,brew,yum,zypper} install python3 git
export NODEJS_VERSION=14.20.0
export NPM_VERSION=6.14.17
export YARN_VERSION=1.22.19
source /dev/stdin <<<"$(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cicerops/supernode/main/supernode)"

Bundle Javascript and CSS assets using webpack::

yarn install
yarn run build

Watch files for rebundling::

yarn run watch

Have a look::

open ./htdocs/index.html

Create thumbnail image from poster PDF


# Just a workbench
mkdir tmp; cd tmp

# Acquire PDF file
wget https://ptrace.gafam.info/upstream/pdf/lqdn-gafam-poster-de.pdf

# Layout multiple pages in matrix
pdfnup --nup 2x3 --landscape=true --no-tidy lqdn-gafam-poster-de.pdf

# Convert to GIF format appropriately
convert -units PixelsPerInch lqdn-gafam-poster-de-nup.pdf -density 72 -trim +repage -resize 595x gafam-german-card.gif

# Copy to target directory
cp gafam-german-card.gif ../htdocs/static/img/

Download MP4 video from Twitter


# Just a workbench
mkdir tmp; cd tmp

# youtube-dl does it all ;]
youtube-dl --output 'lqdn-gafam-paris.mp4' https://twitter.com/laquadrature/status/944148790684069888

# Upload to content web space
make ptrace source=lqdn-gafam-paris.mp4