scanner-overlay icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
scanner-overlay copied to clipboard

📹 AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer with a masked overlay


ScannerOverlay extends AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer with an overlay. You can define a masked area and setup the corners.


You can either install it via Swift Package Manager or copy the class from the Sources folder into your project.


At first setup your AVCaptureSession, then initiate the ScannerOverlay with it, and after that add it as a sublayer to your view.

  let scannerOverlayPreviewLayer              = ScannerOverlayPreviewLayer(session: captureSession)
  scannerOverlayPreviewLayer.frame            = self.view.bounds
  scannerOverlayPreviewLayer.maskSize         = CGSize(width: 200, height: 200)
  scannerOverlayPreviewLayer.videoGravity     = .resizeAspectFill

If you want to limit the video capturing to the masked area you have to set the rectOfInterest of your AVCaptureMetadataOutput.

  metadataOutput.rectOfInterest = scannerOverlayPreviewLayer.rectOfInterest

Keep in mind that the overlay won't show in the simulator - for testing run the code on your device.

For an example implementation refer to the demo project in the Sources folder.


Parameter Description
maskSize Specifies the size of the masked area
cornerLength Specifies the length of the corners
lineWidth Specifies the line width of the corners
lineColor Specifies the line color of the corners
lineCap Specifies the line cap of the corner endpoints
backgroundColor Specifies the backgroundColor of the outer masked area
cornerRadius Specifies the corner radius of the masked area


ScannerOverlay is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.