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Simple Islamic Hadith API with Indonesia Translation.

Hadith - API

Simple Islamic Hadith API with Indonesia Translation.

Deployed in: https://api.hadith.sutanlab.id

Data Source

Available Hadith

  • [x] Muslim
  • [x] Bukhari
  • [x] Tirmidzi
  • [x] Nasai
  • [x] Abu Daud
  • [x] Ibnu Majah
  • [x] Ahmad
  • [x] Darimi
  • [x] Malik
  • [ ] Your contribution ?


  • [x] Arabic
  • [x] Indonesia Translation
  • [ ] Your contribution ?

Endpoint usage

  • [x] /books = Returns the list of available Hadith Books.
  • [x] /books/{name}?range={number}-{number} = Returns hadiths by range of number. Example: /books/bukhari?range=300-500. (Note: For performance reasons, max accepted range: 300)
  • [x] /books/{name}/{number} = Returns spesific hadith. Example: /books/muslim/5

Example Response

Fetching on HR. Muslim No. 5


Recommended Arabic Fonts

Available Commands

  • yarn start = run server.
  • yarn dev = run develop server.
  • yarn crawl = collect new data from the data source, then unifying it in one JSON file.



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