roundrect icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
roundrect copied to clipboard

Conveniences for programmatically generating image assets and styling UIButton


Conveniences for programmatically generating image assets and styling UIButton.

Creating Images

The conveniences in ImageGeneration.swift allow images to be generated from a view, or given various style properties like fill, stroke, corner radius, etc. For example, to create a 3px/3px image with a 1px blue stroke and a single red fill:

let image = UIImage(
  fill: .red,
  stroke: (
    color: .blue, 
    width: 1

This image can be made resizable and applied to a UIButton, but since there is a lot of busywork associated with handling all the different states a button can have, the conveniences in ButtonStyle can be used instead. A combination of a button Style (eg. filled vs bordered) and Theme (eg. light or dark) can be provided when creating or modifying an existing UIButton:

let button = UIButton(
  style: .filled(
    cornerRadius: 8

This will yield a button with a tintable fill and a corner radius of 8.

API exists for an explicit theme to be provided, but it's marked as obsolete as of iOS13 in favour of light/dark mode provided by UIInterfaceStyle.


Snapshot tests are recorded with the iOS 14.4 iPhone 12 simulator using the Swift Snapshot Testing library.


<iOS13 variations with explicit themes

iOS13+ variations for light and dark mode

light dark