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A discord clone made with Vue.js and Sass in the frontend, and Node.js, Typescript and Socket.io in the backend. 💻. This is not a simple interface, you can really use it as a chat ✉ (frontend hosted...

Discord Clone discord

Made with:

vue.js sass nodejs socket.io  javascript typescript

About this project 💻

The server side is in development yet

This is an discord interface clone, made with vue.js. But it can connect with the server that is using Socket.io and Typescript, so the users can send messages to other users (connected in the same host), thus making a real time connection with them. This idea of the frontend from the You tube, so the credits go to the author Maikel Neris. However i got this idea from the yt, i did my owns improvements and customization, and my server implementation.

Project screen:


Building ⚙

You'll need Node.js and i recommend that you have installed the Yarn on your computer. After, you can run the scripts below...

Before start the project, go to discord-clone/client/src/components/ChannelData/ChannelData.vue and enable the created() function. If you don't do this, the initial messages wont be loaded

git clone https://github.com/gabriellopes00/discord-clone.git
cd discord-clone

cd server
yarn install


cd client
yarn install
git clone https://github.com/gabriellopes00/discord-clone.git
cd discord-clone

cd server
npm install


cd client
npm install

Running Server project

yarn dev
npm run dev

Compiles and hot-reloads for development im frontend

yarn serve
npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build
npm run build

Possible improvements 🔧

If you want to improve this discord-clone using vue.js, you could work on screen responsiveness when used on mobile devices

Contact 📱

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