grpc-bus-websocket-proxy-server icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Provides a WebSocket Proxy Server for browsers to connect to any GRPC service

GRPC-Bus WebSocket Proxy Server

This Node.js server acts as a proxy, connecting GRPC clients running in a browser context to standard GRPC service(s) via a WebSocket.

You'll want to use the GRPC Bus WebSocket Proxy Client to connect from the browser.


node server.js

How it Works

The browser client loads the Protobuf definition (either as a .proto file or compiled as a .proto.json), and passes it to the server via the initial message after creating the WebSocket connection.


There is a Docker image built that can be run with:

docker run gabrielgrant/grpc-bus-websocket-proxy

It can also be deployed on a Kubernetes cluster using the included manifest:

kubectl create -f kubernetes-manifest.yaml

If redeploying, delete the earlier deployment first:

kubectl delete -f kubernetes-manifest.yaml && kubectl create -f kubernetes-manifest.yaml


  • Upgrade to Protobuf JS v6
  • Serve static content
  • Allow server to load .proto file directly
  • Push .proto file from server to client
  • Validate service map against proto file
  • Beter Error Handling
  • Support bundled/synchronous loading of JSON-formatted protoDefs
  • Specify allowed connections as CLI arg: --allow [service_name:]server:port
  • Specify port as CLI arg: --port 8080

Publishing a new version:

git checkout master
git pull
npm version patch
git push
VERSION=$(cat package.json| jq --raw-output .version)
docker build -t gabrielgrant/grpc-bus-websocket-proxy:latest -t gabrielgrant/grpc-bus-websocket-proxy:$VERSION .
docker push gabrielgrant/grpc-bus-websocket-proxy:$VERSION
docker push gabrielgrant/grpc-bus-websocket-proxy:latest