Gabriel Sousa
Gabriel Sousa
dont work for me :( docker service create --name tomcat_PROD --container-label SERVICE_8030_NAME=tomcat_PROD -p 8030:8030/tcp --mount type=bind,source=/mnt/tomcat_PROD/conf,target=/opt/tomcat/conf --mount type=bind,source=/mnt/tomcat_PROD/redouteapps,target=/opt/tomcat/redouteapps --mount type=bind,source=/mnt/tomcat_PROD/logs,target=/opt/tomcat/logs --replicas=4 docker01:5000/centos_java8_tomcat8.5.16
with option -internal works, whats the downsize of using -internal ?
cant get to work with ingress. anyone knows ?
to work do this ``` plugin: name: awesome-plugin env: - name: HELM_RELEASE_NAME value: "weave-scope" - name: HELM_CHART_VERSION value: "1.0.1" - name: NAMESPACE value: "observability" - name: HELM_REPO_URL ``` ``` args:...
im having other error running in a Privilege container (ubuntu 23.10) in kubernetes ``` ERRO[0000] [graphdriver] prior storage driver overlay failed: mount /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay:/var/lib/containers/storage/overlay, flags: 0x1000: permission denied ``` ``` Version:...
used ``` [root@buildah002 tmp]# [root@buildah002 tmp]# buildah --tls-verify=false build --storage-driver vfs -f Dockerfile STEP 1/5: FROM Trying to pull Getting image source signatures Copying blob 16170285e2a6 done...
same error :( ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: buildah002 spec: containers: - name: buildah002 image: imagePullPolicy: Always command: [ "sleep" ] args: [ "infinity" ] volumeMounts: -...
manage to find was related with apparmor i added this anno, and worked ``` unconfined ``` ``` apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: buildah002 annotations: unconfined spec: containers:...
i think would be nice to added in your documentation , that we also need to configure selinux/apparmor/...
no, wont work, only with the annotation