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The US President Barack Obama lives in Washington, D.C.
It would be nice if propS is able to discover that US President
and Barack Obama
are in a SameAs
relation. And D,C.
should be a mod
on Washington
Actual results:
1 The _ DT DT _ 5 det _ _
2 US _ NNP NNP _ 5 nn _ _
3 President _ NNP NNP _ 5 nn _ _
4 Barack _ NNP NNP _ 5 nn _ _
5 Obama _ NNP NNP _ 6 nsubj _ _
6 lives _ VBZ VBZ _ 0 root _ _
7 in _ IN IN _ 6 prep _ _
8 Washington _ NNP NNP _ 7 pobj _ _
9 , _ , , _ 8 punct _ _
10 D.C. _ NNP NNP _ 8 appos _ _
{'lf': [{'pred': 'SameAs',
'sameAs_arg': [{'xref': ['lf', 1, 'prep_in', 0]},
{'xref': ['lf', 1, 'prep_in', 1]}],
'text': 'Washington , D.C. '},
{'pred': 'lives',
'prep_in': ['D.C. ', 'Washington '],
'subj': {'text': 'The US President Barack Obama ',
'word': ['US', 'President', 'Barack', 'Obama']},
'text': 'The US President Barack Obama lives in Washington , D.C. '}],
'sentence': 'The US President Barack Obama lives in Washington , D.C.'}
lives:(subj:The US President Barack Obama , prep_in:Washington )
lives:(subj:The US President Barack Obama , prep_in:D.C. )
SameAs:(sameAs_arg:Washington , sameAs_arg:D.C. )
Stanford NLP generates one NNP US President Barack Obama
and this probably colors propS's analysis. But D.C.
is identified as an appos
Another, more complex sentence:
During May 2000 , the Serbian government intensified its efforts
to silence opposition to the government of Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic.
Again, one would probably expect a SameAs
between Yugoslav President
and Slobodan Milosevic
. Probably Stanford NLP is to blame.
Actual results:
1 During _ IN IN _ 8 prep _ _
2 May _ NNP NNP _ 1 pobj _ _
3 2000 _ CD CD _ 2 num _ _
4 , _ , , _ 8 punct _ _
5 the _ DT DT _ 7 det _ _
6 Serbian _ NNP NNP _ 7 nn _ _
7 government _ NN NN _ 8 nsubj _ _
8 intensified _ VBD VBD _ 0 root _ _
9 its _ PRP$ PRP$ _ 10 poss _ _
10 efforts _ NNS NNS _ 8 dobj _ _
11 to _ TO TO _ 12 aux _ _
12 silence _ VB VB _ 10 vmod _ _
13 opposition _ NN NN _ 12 dobj _ _
14 to _ TO TO _ 12 prep _ _
15 the _ DT DT _ 16 det _ _
16 government _ NN NN _ 14 pobj _ _
17 of _ IN IN _ 16 prep _ _
18 Yugoslav _ NNP NNP _ 21 nn _ _
19 President _ NNP NNP _ 21 nn _ _
20 Slobodan _ NNP NNP _ 21 nn _ _
21 Milosevic _ NNP NNP _ 17 pobj _ _
22 . _ . . _ 8 punct _ _
{'lf': [{'dobj': {'mod': {'dobj': 'opposition ',
'pred': 'silence',
'prep_to': {'prep_of': {'text': 'Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic ',
'word': ['Yugoslav',
'text': 'the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic ',
'word': 'government'},
'text': 'to silence opposition to the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic '},
'poss': 'its ',
'text': 'efforts to silence opposition to the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic ',
'word': 'efforts'},
'pred': 'intensified',
'prep_during': {'text': 'May 2000 ', 'word': ['May', '2000']},
'subj': {'text': 'the Serbian government ',
'word': ['Serbian', 'government']},
'text': 'During May 2000 , the Serbian government intensified its efforts to silence opposition to the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic '},
{'dobj': {'xref': ['lf', 0, 'dobj']},
'pred': 'have',
'subj': {'xref': ['lf', 0, 'dobj', 'poss']},
'text': 'its have efforts to silence opposition to the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic '}],
'sentence': 'During May 2000 , the Serbian government intensified its efforts to silence opposition to the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic .'}
intensified:(subj:the Serbian government , dobj:its efforts to silence opposition to the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic , prep_during:May 2000 )
have:(subj:its , dobj:efforts to silence opposition to the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic )