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Soft keyboard "moves" TnT icon into wrong place
I usehackers keyboard and when it is enabled (eg 920 text or termux) it moves the TnT icon so it is no longer in the screen corner but into the space not covered by the keyboard.
This is hugely irritating in some apps - if the keyboard pops up unexpectedly and moves the icon into the wrong place it is easy to hit some key instead of the icon.
Maybe the TnT icon could appear in another corner of the screen by default which is not likely to be covered by the poping up keyboard?
Thank u for reporting the issue.. i noticed as well that it's above the keyboard...
As far as I understood from the documentation, you can have overlays over statusbar and keyboard, but these cannot grab touches so that wouldn't be a solution.
The only solution that comes to my mind is manipulation the location of the button. It's currently designed to always appear on the right (or left) top corner in the reference frame of the new orientation. physically however that means that it's potentially displayed on all 4 corners of your phone...
having the button always in the same side/corner is actually very unintuitive because it always appears in a different place..
However it has been suggested to display the icon in the center...
What would u suggest?
You could make such an option (center), I for one like it as it is now, to be in the same place no matter how I rotate it (it's the same place in relation to my hands, it's predictable).
One issue with center is that switching to landscape, and given the size increase of the screens, it's a pain to reach.
Center would work for me, as well as "the other corner" which is never obstructed by the softkeyboard. Wondering if that is what the left-hand option is for?
Probably "the other corner" is even better because some soft keyboards go all the way to the middle of the screen or above on some devices.
it's always displayed so that it appears in the right-top corner and that it can be pressed using your right thumb... That works for the majority of ppl, but not for left handers... that's why there is left-handed mode.
What do you mean with the "opposite corner"? wouldn't that lead to: the button appears arbitrarily on the screen, depending on the direction you turn the phone?
Hm.. right now having my phone in front of me and tilt it slightly to the right: icon appears in the upper left corner. Tilt it to the left: icon appears in the lower right corner. That doesn't look consistent?
You could pick one of the "top" corners or maybe center-top location.
Why do you ask if it does? It does appear consistently in the corner closest to my finger.
I don't really get where you want it moved (make a mockup?) but a fixed position will make it hard to reach at least 50% of the time.
Hm.. right now having my phone in front of me and tilt it slightly to the right: icon appears in the upper left corner. Tilt it to the left: icon appears in the lower right corner. That doesn't look consistent?
for me this looks consistent .. maybe your usecase is different, but most users rotate their phone ~90° into one direction. No matter to where you rotate it, its always nearest to your right thumb in the top-right corner of the new screen orientation.
Please make a mockup, or a video or something to demonstrate what you seek for. Maybe we have the wrong understanding of what you are trying to achieve or how do you use it.
My usecase is perhaps different - I use it prevent accidental rotation. Usually have it on a table or slightly tilted surface where even slight movement would cause random device rotation. For me it is 19 out of 20 cases and the reason I installed this app. Obviously if the roation event was unintended and random there is no expected place for the icon.
Wherever you place it, just make it so that it won't move if a soft keyboard appears.
well thats indeed a bit different than what most other ppl have in mind. Though I'm not sure about the fix for this because:
- center would still make the icon move as the keyboard appears
- "always center top" would maybe work?!
- maybe we should check again whether my theory is right that drawing "over everything else" makes it unresponsive to click events
I think "allways center top" would be best for me.