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My Data Engineer Capstone project. A consolidated dataset with several jobs around the world.

Work around the world

Have you ever tried to look for a visa sponsor job vacancy? Or looking for a job overall nowadays is a little bit overwhelming because of the number of different places you have to go to find a list of vacancies.

This project goals is to unify and provide a simple normalized and unified database of job vacancies from several data sources (datasets for historical purposes and APIs to more up-to-date jobs). The final data schema is a star-schema model to ease querying through the jobs list, whereas the job listing is the fact and the company, skills and provider are the dimensions of our data model.

Below we have a detailed listing of our data sources, data model and each technology of the stack I used in this project.

Getting started

This project is based on several DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) that are executed on Apache Airflow, moreover I used Airflow to orchestrate all ETL processes and maintain their correct frequency along with a PostgreSQL database.

So, the first thing you need to do is to configure your airflow home to this project. Don't forget to leverage the plugins configuration too. Otherwise the operators I created will not be found by Airflow.

Using Redshift as PostgreSQL database (optional - not recommended)

At a first glance this project was prepared to use a Redshift cluster. If you opt to do this, you'll need to adapt some queries within the plugins/helpers/ (check this commit to learn more: 1c041cfdef684f3e1a384ece3744939e7150f85 ).

Then, create (if not already created) your Redshift cluster. I provided a few scripts to help spining up a Redshift cluster using the AWS API, directly from the command line. Before diving into them, make a copy of the dwh.cfg.example as dwh.cfg and fill all the keys (except the HOST under CLUSTER section). Then you just need to:

  1. Start the cluster provisioning by running:
    • python aws/
  2. Wait a few minutes and check if the cluster status is available by running:
    • python aws/
    • You should run this script until the cluster is available. Because this script is responsible of updating our dwh.cfg with the HOST address
  3. When the cluster is already available, your dwh.cfg would be rewrited with its HOST address. Then you just need to copy that configuration over to the Airflow Connections. There's a script to do that:
    • python aws/
  4. (optional, after work) And for the sake of our AWS bills (keep'em low), there´s also a script to destroy the cluster: python aws/ (but this one is for later)

After doing that, before activating the DAGs you have to configure the following Airflow connections:

Running Airflow locally

We will use Docker to provision our local environment and to ease the production deployment process too (if required). The Docker image we will use is the puckel/docker-airflow

Inside the root folder of this project run the following command (it will build and compose the containers):

docker build -t puckel/docker-airflow . && docker-compose -f docker-compose-LocalExecutor.yml up -d

Airflow Connections

If you hit on the wall with the python aws/ below we have a table with a dictionary of connections used by this ETL system. Excluding the Redshift and the Amazon Web Services Credentials, the other configurations should be done as the other fields column states:

Service Conn ID Conn Type Other fields
PostgreSQL pgsql Postgres This one you should figure out by yourself. (It's your database credentials!)
Amazon Web Services Credentials aws_credentials Amazon Web Services On the login field you fill with your API Key. And in the password field you fill with your API Secret.
GitHub Jobs API github_jobs HTTP Schema = https and Host = API landing_jobs HTTP Schema = https and Host =
Stackoverflow Jobs RSS Feed stackoverflow_jobs HTTP Schema = https and Host =
Algolia Search Provider algolia HTTP Login = your algolia application id and Password = your admin API key user angel_co HTTP Login = your email and Password = your password

Airflow DAGs

Our DAGs are divided by their source. One DAG per source is convenient because each data sources has a different data format. Altought they share operators, keeping control of which sources still working is easier if we have separate visualization per source of the DAGs runs.

US Jobs on DAG

  • Id: dice_com_jobs_dag
  • Source Type: CSV Dataset
  • Data Source:
    • A dataset of 22.000 USA tech job posts crawled from the jobs site.
    • It contains the job title, description, company and skills (tags).

Basically this DAG takes care of parsing the CSV from a S3 Bucket and staging it on our Redshift cluster to then upsert the dimensions and facts data. It runs only once as this dataset will not be updated anymore, it's for historical comparison purpose only.

US Jobs on DAG Historical Jobs DAG

  • Id: jobtechdev_se_historical_jobs_dag
  • Source Type: JSON Dataset
  • Data Source:
    • A historical dataset of nordic job vacancies with anonymized data. It has 4.4 million job posts starting from 2006 until 2017.
    • Altought this is a very large dataset it only contains informations about the job title, description and company. No skills were provided.

Basically this DAG takes care of parsing the JSON from a S3 Bucket and staging it on our Redshift cluster. As this historical dataset may be updated we parse it yearly, starting from 2006 and ending in 2017. Historical Jobs

Landing Jobs API DAG

  • Id: landing_jobs_api_dag
  • Source Type: JSON API
  • Source:
    • is one of the most used jobs websites for jobs across the Europe (the majority of the jobs posts is from Europe). At this time they have around 420 jobs available to fetch from their API.
    • The Landing Jobs API is very straight forward, as it has a well structured data model the only thing that is missing in the job endpoint was the company name inside the job vacancy payload.
    • So, for this source we have the job title, description, salary, relocation flag, skills (tags). Missing only the company name.
    • Almost forgot to mention that the results are paginated. So we will limit the number of pages we'll download.

Basically this DAG takes care of fetching the API results within a range of pages available. As this is a very dynamic source, this DAG runs everyday at midnight to fetch new jobs from

Landing Jobs API DAG

GitHub Jobs API DAG

  • Id: github_jobs_api_dag
  • Source Type: JSON API
  • Source:
    • The Github Jobs API is very simple, it was just get the page you want to fetch and appends a .json suffix, then it will returns only data formatted in JSON.
    • Altought GitHub is the largest developer community, this source is the one with less jobs to fetch. Around 280 jobs found in their API.
    • It provides the job title, description and company name. But there is no normalized data regarding the skills required in the job.

This DAG takes care of requesting the API and fetch a limited range of jobs. It is ran everyday at midnight so we have fresh jobs posting every day.

GitHub Jobs API DAG

Stackoverflow RSS Feed DAG

  • Id: stackoverflow_jobs_rss_feed_dag
  • Source Type: RSS Feed (XML)
  • Source:
    • The Stackoverflow RSS feed is the one that has more jobs available to fetch (1000 jobs to be more precise).
    • It is also the most complete: has the job title, description, the company information and also the skills required in the job.

This DAG takes of requesting the Stackoverflow Jobs RSS Feed. This is a single page request, but it returns 1000 jobs per time. So I configured to run this DAG daily too.

Stackoverflow RSS Feed DAG jobs DAG

  • Id: angel_co_jobs_dag
  • Source Type: HTML Crawling (selenium)

This DAG uses selenium to crawl the website and store all the HTML that contains job vacancies.

Algolia Search Index Jobs DAG

  • Id: algoliasearch_index_jobs_dag
  • Source Type: Warehouse (Database)

This DAG takes care of fetching all inserted jobs within the job_vacancies table and index it on the instant search engine called Algolia.

Data Schema

The purpose of this project is to assemble a dataset to ease query for jobs of a determined set of skills or company. For that we don't need normalized informations. Instead we adopted a star schema because of it's scalability in terms of reading and querying.

To simplify our job listing we'll have only a single fact table with the job vacancies and two other tables to aggregate data on companies and tags:

The star-schema diagram

Tables dictionary


  • Table name: companies
  • Type: dimension table
Column Type Description
id VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL The id of the company (a slugified version of its name).
name VARCHAR(500) The name of the company
remote_url VARCHAR(500) DEFAULT NULL The url of the site of this company (if found on source)


  • Table name: tags
  • Type: dimension table
Column Type Description
tag VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The tag found on the job

Job Vacancies

  • Table name: job_vacancies
  • Type: fact table
Column Type Description
id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The primary key of this table. Identifies the job vacancy
provider_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The provider id means from which data sources it came from. Currently we have these sources: jobtechdevse (dataset), dice_com (dataset), github_jobs (api), landing_jobs (api), stackoverflow_jobs (api)
remote_id_on_provider VARCHAR(500) The identification of this job on the provider
remote_url VARCHAR(500) The URL for the job posting (if exists)
location VARCHAR(255) The location (city) of the job
currency_code VARCHAR(3) DEFAULT NULL The currency code of this job's salary
company_id VARCHAR(500) The company identification, mainly it`s a slugified version of the company's name
company_name VARCHAR(500) The company name
title VARCHAR(1000) The title of the job post
description VARCHAR(65535) The description of the job post
tags VARCHAR(65535) DEFAULT NULL The tags are the skills required in this job. Separated by comma.
salary NUMERIC(18,2) DEFAULT NULL The salary base for the job role
salary_max NUMERIC(18,2) DEFAULT NULL The maximum salary that the company is willing to pay
salary_frequency VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL The frequency of the salary. Usually anually (if has salary on the job post).
has_relocation_package INT4 DEFAULT NULL Indicates wether this job vacancy offers relocation package for the candidate. (this does not means visa sponsorship)
expires_at TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL When this job vacancy post will expire?
published_at TIMESTAMP The date this job was posted.

Future scenarios

The developed ETL processes here consider the size of the datasets as it is. Altought if the data increased 100x the APIs sources won't be affected because they have fetching limitations and run daily (so we incrementally follow the data inrease).

For our file datasets, the should be divided to run yearly if it was updated as it is for the JSON dataset.

And at last, but not least, the choosen database (Redshift) can handle large amounts of read queries because it distributed our data and copies it across all nodes of the cluster to make it highly available. Maybe we will need to just increase the number of nodes, but this is done with a few clicks on the AWS dashboard.


  • [X] Create a DAG to crawl the - probably needs to use selenium (can use as inspiration/benchmark:
    • [X] Modify the puckel/docker-airflow to leverage the chromedriver installation to work with the selenium possibly by making a Dockerfile
    • [X] Create the angels_co_jobs_dag that will use selenium to crawl their site and store the jobs informations
    • [X] Create a DAG to load the crawled jobs to the Algolia Search Provider, a free API to query those jobs
    • [X] On the 'published_at': None, Needs to be reviewed. published_at is mandatory for this table
    • [X] Refactor the DAG to use the airflow credentials management to store the email/password
    • [X] Refactor the DAG scrape task to save the scraped divs to S3 disk
    • [X] Refactor the DAG crawl task to traverse the scraped files saved to the S3 disk
    • [X] Fix the parser, moreover, the salary_* is not being parsed as it should. It is coming with the currency symbol. We have to get rid of the currency symbol and cast it to double
    • [X] Somehow identify the currency that is being used to describe the salary of the job (maybe with the currency symbol itself?)
  • [ ] Test and make the Algolia DAG work
  • [ ] Create a simple web application to navigate/search in the data of these crawled jobs
  • [ ] Normalize the job location information
  • [ ] Check the viability to fetch/save the company size too