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webhook copied to clipboard

Easily test webhooks and other HTTP requests


Build Status codecov MIT licensed

Webhook is an open source project available at https://webhook.link.

It allows you to easily test webhooks and other HTTP requests and log their attributes and payloads.

Usage example

This projects generates random ephemeral routes like /3989c985-0659-4c2d-b38f-9d83d74fe0bb.

You can send any HTTP request to the route, for example:

curl -X POST https://webhook.link/3989c985-0659-4c2d-b38f-9d83d74fe0bb \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-MyHeader: 123" \
-d '{"hello": "world", "is_true": true}'

And the result will be available on /inspect/3989c985-0659-4c2d-b38f-9d83d74fe0bb:



$ cd webhook/
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 -m src

Try it out in docker

  • Build the image: docker build webhook:latest .
  • Run the image: docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 webhook:latest
  • Open in browser