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Multiple cursors implementation for evil-mode
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** Multiple cursors implementation for evil-mode *** Synopsis evil-mc provides multiple cursors functionality for Emacs when used with evil-mode *** Usage Start with: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (require 'evil-mc) #+END_SRC **** Local Setup To enable or disable evil-mc mode for a single buffer use:\ #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (evil-mc-mode 1) ;; enable (evil-mc-mode -1) ;; disable #+END_SRC **** Global Setup To enable or disable evil-mc mode for all buffers use:\ #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (global-evil-mc-mode 1) ;; enable (global-evil-mc-mode -1) ;; disable #+END_SRC **** Basic Usage The main commands used to create or delete cursors are:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (evil-mc-make-all-cursors) ;; Create cursors for all strings that match the selected ;; region or the symbol under cursor.
(evil-mc-undo-all-cursors) ;; Remove all cursors.
(evil-mc-make-and-goto-next-match) ;; Make a cursor at point and go to the next match of the ;; selected region or the symbol under cursor.
(evil-mc-skip-and-goto-next-match) ;; Go to the next match of the selected region or the symbol under ;; cursor without creating a cursor at point. #+END_SRC
The above commands as well as others, detailed below, are setup with key bindings when the evil-mc mode is enabled. The keys are defined in ~evil-mc-key-map~. You can take a look at that variable declaration in [[https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc/blob/master/evil-mc.el][evil-mc.el]] to see all key bindings. But, in short, ~C-n~ / ~C-p~ are used for creating cursors, and ~M-n~ / ~M-p~ are used for cycling through cursors. The commands that create cursors wrap around; but, the ones that cycle them do not. To skip creating a cursor forward use ~C-t~ or ~grn~ and backward ~grp~. Finally use ~gru~ to "undo" the last added cursor, and ~grq~ to remove all cursors.
Optionally set up visual mode keybindings for ~I~ and ~A~ to create cursors at the beginning or end of every visually selected line.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (evil-define-key 'visual evil-mc-key-map "A" #'evil-mc-make-cursor-in-visual-selection-end "I" #'evil-mc-make-cursor-in-visual-selection-beg) #+END_SRC
For an example of setting up evil-mc see this [[https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc/blob/master/evil-mc-setup.el][setup file]] **** Commands Here's a detailed list of all commands used to create, navigate through, or delete cursors:\ /All the commands below assume that there is a real cursor and possibly some fake cursors./
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (evil-mc-make-all-cursors) ;; Make a cursor for every match of the selected region or the symbol at point.
(evil-mc-undo-all-cursors) ;; Remove all cursors.
(evil-mc-undo-last-added-cursor) ;; Remove the last added cursor and move point to its position.
(evil-mc-make-and-goto-next-match) ;; Make a cursor at point, and go to the next match of the ;; selected region or the symbol at point.
(evil-mc-make-and-goto-prev-match) ;; Make a cursor at point, and go to the previous match of the ;; selected region or the symbol at point.
(evil-mc-skip-and-goto-next-match) ;; Go to the next match of the selected region or symbol at point ;; without making a cursor at point. This command can be used to ;; remove unwanted cursors.
(evil-mc-skip-and-goto-prev-match) ;; Go to the previous match of the selected region or symbol at point ;; without making a cursor at point. This command can be used to ;; remove unwanted cursors.
(evil-mc-make-and-goto-prev-cursor) ;; Make a cursor at point and move point to the cursor ;; closest to it when searching backwards.
(evil-mc-make-and-goto-next-cursor) ;; Make a cursor at point and move point to the cursor ;; closest to it when searching forwards.
(evil-mc-skip-and-goto-prev-cursor) ;; Move point to the cursor closest to it when searching backwards ;; without making a cursor at point. This command can be used to ;; remove unwanted cursors.
(evil-mc-skip-and-goto-next-cursor) ;; Move point to the cursor closest to it when searching forwards ;; without making a cursor at point. This command can be used to ;; remove unwanted cursors.
(evil-mc-make-and-goto-first-cursor) ;; Make a cursor at point and move point to the cursor at the first position.
(evil-mc-make-and-goto-last-cursor) ;; Make a cursor at point and move point to the cursor at the last position.
(evil-mc-make-cursor-here) ;; Create a cursor at point. This command should be used with `evil-mc-pause-cursors'.
(evil-mc-pause-cursors) ;; Pause all fake cursors. This can be used with `evil-mc-make-cursor-here'
(evil-mc-resume-cursors) ;; Call to resume paused cursors.
(evil-mc-make-cursor-in-visual-selection-beg) ;; Create cursors at the beginning of every visually selected line.
(evil-mc-make-cursor-in-visual-selection-end) ;; Create cursors at the end of every visually selected line. #+END_SRC
**** Customization evil-mc can be customized in several ways:
Every known command is executed using a command handler defined in a variable called ~evil-mc-known-commands~ in [[https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc/blob/master/evil-mc-known-commands.el][evil-mc-known-commands.el]]. Those can be overridden by defining the ~evil-mc-custom-known-commands~ variable. See the documentation of that variable in [[https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc/blob/master/evil-mc.el][evil-mc.el]] for more info.
Some minor modes are incompatible with evil-mc. Those modes are defined in ~evil-mc-incompatible-minor-modes~ and can be overridden by defining that variable.
In addition there are two hooks that can be used to temporarily disable or enable additional functionality while there are multiple cursors active #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp evil-mc-before-cursors-created ;; this hook runs just before the first cursor is created
evil-mc-after-cursors-created ;; this hook runs just after the last cursor is deleted #+END_SRC
*** Mode line text and colors There are 4 variables, that can change the mode lines text, and its color.
**** Only one cursor The ~emc~ text can be hidden, by setting this variable to ~nil~. (default: ~t~) #+BEGIN_SRC (setq evil-mc-one-cursor-show-mode-line-text t) #+END_SRC
**** Two or more cursors, resumed (unpaused) The resumed mode line text, can have two different colors:
- The cursors color, when this variable is ~t~.
- The default colors, when this variable is ~nil~. (default: ~t~) #+BEGIN_SRC (setq evil-mc-mode-line-text-cursor-color t) #+END_SRC
**** Two or more cursors, paused The ~(paused)~ text can be hidden, by setting this variable to ~nil~. (default: ~t~) #+BEGIN_SRC (setq evil-mc-mode-line-text-paused t) #+END_SRC
The paused mode line text can have three different colors:
- Inverse colors, when the inverse colors variable is ~t~.
- Cursors color, when the inverse colors variable is ~nil~, and the cursor color variable is ~t~.
- Default colors, when both the inverse and cursor color variables are ~nil~. (default: ~t~, for both the inverse and cursor variables) #+BEGIN_SRC (setq evil-mc-mode-line-text-inverse-colors t) (setq evil-mc-mode-line-text-cursor-color t) #+END_SRC
*** Notes
- Most evil motions and operators are supported but not every single command will work.
- If the cursors don't seem to work during a command, either the command is not known (see ~evil-mc-known-commands~ in [[https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc/blob/master/evil-mc-known-commands.el][evil-mc-known-commands.el]]) or some minor modes could be interfering with the evil-mc operations.
- Issues and pull requests are welcome.
**** Debugging
When a command does not work, and you want to get more information, you can enable (or disable) debugging by running any of the commands below interactively. #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (evil-mc-executing-debug-on) ;; Turn debug on while executing a command.
(evil-mc-executing-debug-off) ;; Turn debug off while executing a command.
(evil-mc-recording-debug-on) ;; Turn debug on while recording a command.
(evil-mc-recording-debug-off) ;; Turn debug off while recording a command.
(evil-mc-all-debug-on) ;; Turn all debug on.
(evil-mc-all-debug-off) ;; Turn all debug off. #+END_SRC
**** Limitations
- After an undo command the cursors will return to their original positions if [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/UndoTree][undo-tree]] mode is enabled and ~evil-repeat~ has not been used.
- Redo may cause the real cursor to get out of sync with the others. This can be worked around by setting a mark and returning to it after a redo.
- Jumps work if [[https://github.com/bling/evil-jumper][evil-jumper]] mode is enabled
- Search commands such as ~evil-search-forward~, ~evil-search-backward~, and ~evil-search-next~ are not supported
**** Known issues
- Only named commands can be executed by the fake cursors.
- There could be a performance penalty when there are too many cursors (30+).
- Paste will not work when [[https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs][spacemacs]]' paste micro state is enabled. This is due to the fact that ~evil-paste-pop~ and ~evil-paste-pop-next~ commands are not supported.
- ~evil-repeat~ works only for some commands. In particular it doesn't work for delete. It will also interfere with the cursor positions during an undo or redo operation.
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