atom-web-view icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
atom-web-view copied to clipboard

Package to open a web browser inside Atom

Results 22 atom-web-view issues
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**Atom**: 1.53.0 x64 **Electron**: 6.1.12 **OS**: macOS 11.1 **Thrown From**: [web-view]( package 3.0.0 ### Stack Trace Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'title' of null ``` At /Users/macbooktom/.atom/packages/web-view/lib/ TypeError: Cannot read...

system spec: ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS, ATOM 1.53.0 x64 using menu to go to a web site and nothing happens. no url entry nothing. omgbbqwtf? is this a fake project or...

[Enter steps to reproduce:] 1. ... 2. ... **Atom**: 1.47.0 x64 **Electron**: 5.0.13 **OS**: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional **Thrown From**: [web-view]( package 3.0.0 ### Stack Trace Uncaught SecurityError: Blocked a...

## Feature Right now, when I accidentally or deliberately close the web view Tab, and reopen it, it always opens up with the Bing page. I would like to be...

HTML and CSS were able to be properly displayed in this web viewer package, however when I made an SVG object, things started to go awry. For example, I made...

if you merge this I have more goodies in store for the next one. Just want to see it working though, otherwise...

I'll make you a deal. You write the specs and wiki, and i'll write the plugin :ok_hand: :sunglasses: :100:

Atom will no longer load this package after June 1st without changes. There are a couple deprecations on the latest version (`0.3.0`) of this package: 1. Store package style sheets...

Call Workspace::addOpener instead ``` Workspace.registerOpener (/Applications/ Object.activate (/Users/Ryotaro/.atom/packages/web-view/lib/ Package.activateNow (/Applications/ (/Applications/ Package.measure (/Applications/ Package.activate (/Applications/ ```