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An All-In-One home intrusion detection system (IDS) solution for the Raspberry PI.
UPDATE 6/18/2018
In the words of Frank Costanza, I'm back Baby! It's been a long time since I've had the chance to visit this project. I've been trying for my CISSP for 2 years now. TL;DR, I passed. Now that I can breathe again, here are some changes I've made recently:
- Included support for Ubuntu for the raspberry pi in addition to Raspbian/Debian based distros.
- Added in support for a progress bar to appear indicating status of installation for Bro and Suricata installations!
- Added in automatic monitoring interface detection and included email notifications for TheBriarPatch.
- Now includes the latest suricata version, 4.0.4
- Updated from PyQt4 to PyQt5
- Implemented threading
- Updated to latest version of Bro
- Now installed with support for md5 and sha256 file hasing for malicious file detection
- Implemented Alienvault intel feeds for Bro, which replaced the critical stack intel feeds
Thanks as always for supporting BriarIDS
Check out the new Donors page! I huge thanks to all those who support BriarIDS: Donors
I can also be reached at BriarIDS Google Groups. Feel free to join the group to collaborate and contribute on any and all discussion matters surrounding BriarIDS!
Also be sure to check out the WIKI for detailed instructions, demo videos, etc. I've updated it with plenty of useful information. Also, I've just recently rolled out a web Frontend for viewing logs captured by suricata. Please do check it out and let me know what you think!
Feeling generous? Why not shoot me a $1, $5, or whatever your heart compels you to give, and I'll add it to the Briar fund. I'd like to test out some additional hardware TAP devices down the road and other complimentary hardware solutions. This would allow for more extensive logging and with your help we can make this goal a reality!
- Donate $1:
- Donate $5
- Customize your donation:
Thank you all for the donations received in the last year. I do truly appreciate your support!
If BriarIDS is used for educational purposes in the classroom setting (ie. Network Security courses, etc) please send me some feedback if you don't mind, letting me know how it cooperated. Thanks! Here's my email: [email protected]
A simple yet effective IDS for the Raspberry PI. BriarIDS is configured to work with Raspbian and takes advantage of the PyQT GUI frontend for an all-in-one solution that monitors your home network. Bro is now integrated into the BriarIDS GUI for additional logging options. Snorby is still a work in progress concerning an automated installation. Will post progress notes on Wordpress site periodically.
Why the name BriarIDS?
It's kinda cheesy. The name comes from the protection Briars and Brambles (Raspberry bushes) give to rabbits when under attack.
So how's it different from other IDS solutions?
It's not really. The key difference is how it's setup. This is a home network based IDS solution using Suricata that primarily monitors WAN traffic (LAN too if you wanted). I looked all over the web for a SIMPLE home-based IDS using the PI and getting a network TAP working; I didn't have much luck. I'll reemphasize that there were Raspberry PI solutions out there, some that were quite amazing. They just weren't very agreeable with home network-based configurations. I just wanted a simple command-line solution that's cooperative in a few minutes upon installation. Snorby and SGUIL and all the other GUI frontends are always awesome secondary add-ons and those will be integrated into BriarIDS shortly. For now, I just want to provide a simple working IDS that is fairly straight forward and user friendly.
Why the Raspberry Pi?
Since I wanted to provide the most cost effective and feasible solution for homeowners to protect their network, I knew a Raspberry PI would fit the bill assuming it cooperated. A PI will run you roughly $40-$60 with a decent SDcard purchased along with it. Next, as we all know, you need a tap interface or some way to get packets into your monitoring interface. While there are other somewhat reasonably priced solutions out there, I decided to take advantage of what I already had to work with at the house. That's where Tomato Router firmware comes in. The IPTables --tee functionality did the job and copied all my WAN packets over to the Raspberry Device with ease. Once things began cooperating I wanted to share this solution with everyone. I know I can't be the only one out there who desires to have an easy and affordable solution for their home network security perimeter.
What PI OS(es) does it run on (that you have personally tested)?
Raspbian, DietPI
Can this be ported to other OSes?
Yes. You may need to adjust some of the apt packages depending on the Linux flavor you are using. I've installed it successfully on Kali Linux (Debian 4.8.15-1kali1 (2016-12-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux). Try it out in a VM running the latest Debian or Ubuntu. It should cooperate with the exception of the critical-stack agent and libssl. You will want to download the Intel x86/x64 .deb file versus the .arm deb file currently set to download in the script. As for ssl, bro-2.5 only currently supports libssl1.0-dev so make sure you have that installed if installing on Kali Linux or other new repos.
What Router(s) have you tested this with?
Just the Linksys E1200v2 thus far
What Tomato firmware version are you using?
I have more questions...
I hoped you would. Check out the wiki and let me know what needs to be added.