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Jenkins Getting Started (jgsu) Course Materials - An update to my initial version of the course
Current `jenkins` version in `docker-compose.yml` leads to errors while installing default plugins, most of them require a higher jenkins version. Before seeing this error attempted running `docker-compose up` multiple times,...
In the pom.xml file, there is the following code: This plugin appears to have issues when run. on Docker. The suggested fix in the class comments of adding ./mvnw clean...
When using docker-compose up the running fails with ''' ~/Desktop/jenkinstest/course-jenkins-getting-started/dockers/compose$ docker-compose up Starting compose_jenkins_1 ... done Starting compose_mails_1 ... done Attaching to compose_mails_1, compose_jenkins_1 mails_1 | 2022/03/18 14:41:48 Using in-memory...
Doing your course on Pluralsight. Love the course, BTW! Tried running the docker compose version of Jenkins: ``` mark@linuxmint:compose$ pwd /home/mark/workspace/ mark@linuxmint:compose$ git status On branch master Your branch is...
Hi, I set up the localhost 7080 but unfortunately i didn't save the initial password that the command line spat out for me and since then, every set up or...