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A highly sophisticated cheat menu for Among Us based on AmongUsMenu (originally known as SickoModeAU).
To let the host customize how long time is within the vote results stage of the voting screen until it proceeds to eject. Also have an option to have it...
Among us is not starting with the menu installed. Without the menu, Among us starts up. version.dll is faulty
There should be an option to disconnect the player as "Player left the game." and "Player left the game due to error." instead of just kick and ban
The game still ends when as impostor you press the emergency button. #15 I used shapeshifter to test in a local hosted game with only me, but it's probably the...
To change your own or another player's tasks. Changing another player might require safe mode off idk
The cooldown timer for shift gets stuck at 1, the vent and protect buttons as engineer and guardian Angel respectively go invisible, and engineer vent button counts in negatives while...
So it can be possible to fade between three colors (so also a middle color)
It shows an additional impostor vent button when in vents as engineer
Switch "Auto report" that reports any body instantly if able to report; switch "Unlimited report distance" and/or slider "Report distance".