google_maps_place_picker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
google_maps_place_picker copied to clipboard

🐛 Map not animating to the location on search.

Open uV3301 opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

Describe the bug When a user tries to search on the search bar, he either enters or choose the location from the suggestions below, the maps refreshes for a bit and then just stays where it was before. The result gets updated but the map does not animate to the location selected.

To Reproduce I'm providing a gist to the dart file where I'm using the package

Expected behavior The expected behavior should be that after the search selection, the map should animate to the query location.

Screenshots ss01 ss01 ss01

Flutter Doctor -v

[✓] Flutter (Channel stable, 2.2.0, on Linux, locale en_IN)
    • Flutter version 2.2.0 at /home/uv3301/snap/flutter/common/flutter
    • Framework revision b22742018b (4 weeks ago), 2021-05-14 19:12:57 -0700
    • Engine revision a9d88a4d18
    • Dart version 2.13.0

[✓] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 30.0.3)
    • Android SDK at /home/uv3301/Android/Sdk
    • Platform android-30, build-tools 30.0.3
    • Java binary at: /home/uv3301/Applications/android-studio/jre/bin/java
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build
    • All Android licenses accepted.

[✗] Chrome - develop for the web (Cannot find Chrome executable at
    ! Cannot find Chrome. Try setting CHROME_EXECUTABLE to a Chrome executable.

[✓] Android Studio (version 4.1)
    • Android Studio at /home/uv3301/Applications/android-studio
    • Flutter plugin version 55.1.1
    • Dart plugin version 201.9335
    • Java version OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build

[✓] Connected device (1 available)
    • Android SDK built for x86 64 (mobile) • emulator-5554 • android-x64 •
      Android 9 (API 28) (emulator)

! Doctor found issues in 1 category.

Additional context Additionally the error on console is such :

E/flutter (16385): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: MissingPluginException(No implementation found for method camera#animate on channel
E/flutter (16385): #0      MethodChannel._invokeMethod (package:flutter/src/services/platform_channel.dart:156:7)
E/flutter (16385): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (16385): #1      _PlacePickerState._moveTo (package:google_maps_place_picker/src/place_picker.dart:346:5)
E/flutter (16385): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (16385): #2      _PlacePickerState._pickPrediction (package:google_maps_place_picker/src/place_picker.dart:337:5)
E/flutter (16385): <asynchronous suspension>
E/flutter (16385): 
I/flutter (16385): state: SearchingState.Idle, isSearchBarFocused: false

uV3301 avatar Jun 11 '21 19:06 uV3301

Experiencing the same issues..

Any solution you have found already?

haroonkhan335 avatar Jun 16 '21 04:06 haroonkhan335

@haroonkhan335 No mate, didn't find anything yet.
@fysoul17 please look at the issue.

uV3301 avatar Jun 17 '21 10:06 uV3301

issue solved from this fix

Milinda1313 avatar May 05 '22 11:05 Milinda1313