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adding "export" to the beginning of every line in the block - javascript issue
This library was tested on a few pages and on one page on one method is placed a bunch of the word "export" before each line like so:
// Fetch attractions
export export /**
export * Performs a POST request to fetch attractions and Google Places recommendations based on the destination data provided in the request body.
export * If the request method is not POST, it sets the Allow header to POST and returns a 405 status code.
export * @param {Object} req - The request object containing the destination data
export * @param {Object} res - The response object to send back the attractions and recommendations
export * @returns {Object} - An object containing shuffled array of attractions and Google Places recommendations
export */
export async function POST(req, res) {
export if (req.method === "POST") {
export const { destination } = await req.json();
export const viatorActivities = await fetchAttractions(;
export const googlePlaces = await getGooglePlacesRecommendations(`${} ${destination.timeZone}`);
export return Response.json({ data: _.shuffle([...viatorActivities, ...googlePlaces]) });
export } else {
export res.setHeader("Allow", ["POST"]);
export res.status(405).end(`Method ${req.method} Not Allowed`);
export }
export }
This is how it looked prior: `
// Fetch attractions
export async function POST(req, res) {
if (req.method === "POST") {
const { destination } = await req.json();
const viatorActivities = await fetchAttractions(;
const googlePlaces = await getGooglePlacesRecommendations(`${} ${destination.timeZone}`);
return Response.json({ data: _.shuffle([...viatorActivities, ...googlePlaces]) });
} else {
res.setHeader("Allow", ["POST"]);
res.status(405).end(`Method ${req.method} Not Allowed`);