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Web application for Kubernetes CLI configuration with OIDC
Web application for Kubernetes CLI configuration with OIDC
Perform configuration checks and run Loginapp.
Loginapp supports three configuration formats:
* Configuration file: '--config' flag
* Flags: '--oidc-xxx' flags for example
* Environment vars: each flag provides an environment var with
'LOGINAPP_' prefix.
Ex: '--oidc-client-secret' --> 'LOGINAPP_OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET'
Configuration precedence: flags > environment vars > configuration file
loginapp serve [flags]
-c, --config string Configuration file
-h, --help help for serve
-l, --listen string Listen interface and port (default "")
--metrics-port int Port to export metrics (default 9090)
-n, --name string Application name. Used for web title. (default "Loginapp")
--oidc-client-id string Client ID (default "loginapp")
--oidc-client-redirecturl string Redirect URL for callback. This must be the same than the one provided to the IDP. Must end with '/callback'
--oidc-client-secret string Client secret
--oidc-crossclients strings Issue token on behalf of this list of client IDs
--oidc-extra-authcodeopts stringToString K/V list of extra authorisation code to include in token request (default [])
--oidc-extra-scopes strings [DEPRECATED] List of extra scopes to ask. Use oidc.scopes option instead. Option will be removed in next release.
--oidc-issuer-insecureskipverify Skip issuer certificate validation (usefull for testing). It is not advised to use this option in production
--oidc-issuer-rootca string Certificate authority of the issuer
--oidc-issuer-url string Full URL of issuer before '/.well-known/openid-configuration' path
--oidc-offlineasscope Issue a refresh token for offline access
--oidc-scopes strings List of scopes to request. Updating this parameter will override existing scopes. (default [openid,profile,email,groups])
-s, --secret string Application secret. Must be identical across all loginapp server replicas (this is not the OIDC Client secret)
--tls-cert string TLS certificate path
--tls-enabled Enable TLS
--tls-key string TLS private key path
--web-assetsdir string Directory to look for assets, which are overriding embedded (default "/web/assets")
--web-kubeconfig-defaultcluster string Default cluster name to use for full kubeconfig output
--web-kubeconfig-defaultnamespace string Default namespace to use for full kubeconfig output (default "default")
--web-mainclientid string Application client ID
--web-mainusernameclaim string Claim to use for username (depends on IDP available claims (default "email")
--web-templatesdir string Directory to look for templates, which are overriding embedded (default "/web/templates")
Global Flags:
-v, --verbose Verbose output
# Application name
# default: mandatory
name: "Kubernetes Auth"
# Bind IP and port (format: "IP:PORT")
# default: mandatory
listen: ""
# Application secret. Must be identical across
# all loginapp server replicas ( /!\ this is not the OIDC Client secret)
secret: REDACTED
# OIDC configuration
# Client configuration
# Application ID
# default: mandatory
id: "loginapp"
# Application Secret
# default: mandatory
secret: REDACTED
# Application Redirect URL
# must end with "/callback"
# default: mandatory
redirectURL: ""
# Issuer configuration
# Location of issuer root CA certificate
# default: mandatory if insecureSkipVerify is false
rootCA: "example/ssl/ca.pem"
# Issuer URL
# default: mandatory
url: "https://dex.example.com:5556"
# Skip certificate validation
# Default: false
insecureSkipVerify: false
# List of scopes to request.
# Updating this parameter will override existing scopes.
# Default:[openid,profile,email,groups]
scopes: []
# OIDC extra configuration
# [DEPREACTED] OIDC Scopes in addition to
# "openid", "profile", "email", "groups"
# Use oidc.scopes instead
# default: []
scopes: []
# Extra auth code options
# Some extra auth code options are required for:
# * ADFS compatibility (ex: resource, https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-fs/overview/ad-fs-openid-connect-oauth-flows-scenarios)
# * Google OIDC compatibility (ex: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/openid-connect#refresh-tokens)
# See:
# default: {}
resource: XXXXX
# Enable offline scope
# default: false
offlineAsScope: true
# Request token on behalf of other clients
# default: []
crossClients: []
# Tls support
# Enable tls termination
# default: false
enabled: true
# Certificate location
# default: mandatory if tls.enabled is true
cert: example/ssl/cert.pem
# Key location
# default: mandatory if tls.enabled is true
key: example/ssl/key.pem
# Configure the web behavior
# ClientID to output (useful for cross_client)
# default: value of 'oidc.client.id'
mainClientID: loginapp
# Claims to use for kubeconfig username.
# default: email
mainUsernameClaim: email
# Kubeconfig output format
# Change default cluster for kubeconfig context
# Default: first cluster name in `clusters`
defaultCluster: mycluster
# Change default namespace for kubeconfig contexts
# Default: default
defaultNamespace: default
# Change default context for kubeconfig
# If not set, use a format like 'defaultClusterName'/'usernameClaim'
# Default: ""
defaultContext: altcontextname
# Extra key/value pairs to add to kubeconfig output.
# Key/value pairs are added under `user.auth-provider.config`
# dictionnary into the kubeconfig.
# Ex:
# extraOpts:
# mykey1: value1
# Kubeconfig Output:
# - name: [email protected]
# auth-provider:
# config:
# mykey1: value1
# client-id: loginapp
# [...]
extraOpts: {}
# Metrics configuration
# Port to use. Metrics are available at
# http://IP:PORT/metrics
# default: 9090
port: 9090
# Clusters list for CLI configuration
- name: mycluster
server: https://mycluster.org
certificate-authority: |
insecure-skip-tls-verify: false
# Alternative context name for this cluster
contextName: altcontextname
Run the binary for development purpose
Deploy with helm:
- Example for testing: see ./test/genconf.sh file and Dev section
- Prepare your deployment
Manage dependencies
Loginapp uses go modules to manage dependencies.
# Retrieve dependencies (vendor)
go mod vendor
Compile, configure and run
Configuration files are located in example directory
$ make
Run also gofmt before any new commit:
make gofmt
Dev env
Loginapp uses kind and skaffold for development environment.
Setup steps:
Launch a kind cluster:
$ test/kubernetes/kindup.sh $ kubectl get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION loginapp-control-plane Ready master 25m v1.17.0
Generate Dex & Loginapp certificates and configuration for the dev env:
$ test/genconf.sh [...] Creating TLS secret for loginapp Generating dex and loginapp configurations [...]
Launch skaffold:
For local dev, launch just dex:
# Deploy dex $ skaffold run -p dex
To test kubernetes deployment, launch dex and loginapp:
# Deploy dex and loginapp $ skaffold run -p dex,loginapp
Test helm deployment:
# Deploy dex and loginapp $ skaffold run -p helm
[local] Compile and run loginapp:
$ make # A default configurationn is generated at test/generated/loginapp-config-manual.yaml $ ./build/loginapp -v serve [-c test/generated/loginapp-config-manual.yaml] [...] {"level":"info","msg":"export metric on","time":"2020-04-28T18:19:19+02:00"} {"level":"info","msg":"listening on","time":"2020-04-28T18:19:19+02:00"} [...]
Access loginapp UI:
- For local dev, access URL will be: https://loginapp.
- For kubernetes test, access URL will be: https://loginapp.${NODE_IP}.nip.io:32001, where NODE_IP is the IP of the kind control plane container.
Default user/password configured by Dex is:
- User: [email protected]
- Password: password
Other projects performing OIDC authentication:
The code base of this repository uses some source code from the original dexidp/dex repository.