wp-geo-posts copied to clipboard
A simple wordpress plugin for adding geodata to posts - this is pretty much abandoned. use at your own risk.
Adding meta_query to the WP_GeoQuery class seems to break the query and no results are returned (if the lat and long values are entered): $wp_query = new WP_GeoQuery(array( 'post_type' =>...
Hi, Great plugin! I've just noticed a bug though. If I use this query: ``` $query = new WP_GeoQuery(array( 'post_type' => 'event', 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'main-cat', 'field'...
this fixes issue 10 where if you filter by category and have a radius the SQL died
I found in using this plugin it would be helpful to filter the $args used on get_post_types for additional parameters. Using a way to control the list on the plugin...
When using a cloud site server it errors out because the servers ip has been blocked for MAX_QUERY_LIMIT being reach. the work around for this is changing a chunk of...
Hi Francis, Sinds you are no longer developing this plugin and there are users still using. Can we take over? We will implement and maintain according to latest WP guides....