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JavaScript and TypeScript rules for Bazel (React friendly)

Results 11 bazel-javascript issues
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I am trying to use Bazel to develop dockerized nodejs apps on a local kubernetes cluster. Seems like the Bazel way is to compile all sources and dependencies down into...

This basically enables creating the `node_modules` directory in a more specific way. Instead of symlinking a node_modules folder directly it constructs a node_modules folder with all of the module folders...

I have encountered 2 issues with import resolving: 1. If I have to import a file from a `js_library` that lives in a parent path, I have to use a...

It would be nice if we could use makevars to define the mode in web_bundle using make vars. This allows using the same rule for different environments. I have created...

I don't quite understand how you do hot reloading. When I use webpack with purescript and I change my code, webpack will recompile the code and then push the changes...

Hi @fwouts & @dan-compton, I would like to use to so that I can leverage `paths` from `tsconfig.json` to make my project imports nicer. Do you have any thoughts...

Currently these rules recreate the same folder structure as the workspace for the build and symlink to an installed `node_modules` folder . To be able to refer to modules in...

Any plans to support the [dependency management repository rules]( provided by [bazelbuild/rules_nodejs]( Ie, something like: ``` ts_library( name = "src", srcs = glob([ "*.tsx", ]), tsconfig = "//web:tsconfig.json", deps =...

I have been able to reproduce this on two Windows 10 systems so far attempting to build the same project. The project works on a mac. When running the build...