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A tool for the identification of coincident (associating and dissociating) genes in pangenomes.
A tool for the identification of coincident (associating and dissociating) genes in pangenomes.
Written in collaboration with Martin Rusilowicz. Coinfinder was developed in the McInerney laboratory.What is it?
Coinfinder (pronounced "coin-finder") is an algorithm and software tool that detects genes which associate and dissociate with other genes more often than expected by chance in pangenomes. Coinfinder is written primarily in C++ and is a command line tool which generates text, gexf, and pdf outputs for the user.
Coinfinder uses a Bonferroni-corrected Binomial exact test statistic of the expected and observed rates of gene-gene association to evaluate whether a given gene pair is coincident.
When and why should I use it?
Coinfinder is designed to take as input a dataset of pangenomes and their genes. Ideally, genes will clustered into homologous gene clusters using a pangenomic tool such as Panaroo, Roary, PIRATE, or Pandora. Coinfinder should be used to identify coincident gene sets within a given pangenomic dataset. Coinfinder was written to identify coincident genes among strains of prokaryote species (i.e. a species pangenome) but can be extended to other pangenomic datasets.
Where can I read more about it?
Fiona J. Whelan, Martin Rusilowicz, & James O. McInerney. "Coinfinder: detecting significant associations and dissociations in pangenomes." doi:
Coinfinder is available on Linux or macOS; it has not been developed for Windows.
If you use Conda: conda install -c defaults -c bioconda -c conda-forge coinfinder
If you use Mamba: mamba install -c defaults -c bioconda -c conda-forge coinfinder
(If the installation gets stuck on solving the environment, please see issue 36.)
Native install
or greater (brew install cmake
on a Mac) -
Python>3.6;<3.8 -
or greater (brew install boost
on a Mac) -
(brew install llvm
on a Mac) -
gcc 5
or greater (default on most new-ish machines) -
libraries:caper, phytools, getopt, igraph, dplyr, cowplot, data.table, ggraph, flock, future
- Bionconductor
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
cmake --build .
On macOS, the default compiler may be clang
instead of g++
. If so, you may need to point the compiler to gcc; for example:
export CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc-6; CXX=/usr/local/bin/g++-6; MPICXX=/usr/local/bin/mpic++
coinfinder -i <gene information> [-I] -p <phylogeny> -o <output prefix> [--associate|--dissociate]
Coinfinder requires gene information and a phylogeny as input. The gene information can be provided in one of two formats: (a) as the gene_presence_absence.csv
output from Roary; (b) as a tab-delimited list of genes present in each strain. An example of a tab-delimited list of genes:
gene_1 genome_1
gene_1 genome_2
gene_1 genome_3
gene_2 genome_2
gene_2 genome_3
gene_3 genome_1
gene_3 genome_2
Note: the gene_presence_absence.csv
output from Panaroo appears to differ from Roary in that fields are not surrounded by double-quotes. Coinfinder assumes this double-quote format; you could use something like the following to correct for this:
sed -e 's/^/"/g' -e 's/$/"/g' -e 's/,/","/g' gene_presence_absence.csv > gene_presence_absence-withquotes.csv
The phylogeny should be Newick-formatted with no zero-length branches. We suggest that this phylogeny be constructed using the core gene information (for example, as suggested in the Roary pipeline
Lastly, the user must decide between running Coinfinder to find associations (gene pairs present together) or dissociations (gene pairs which are present apart, or avoid each other).
For more information on usage, please see coinfinder -h
File input- specify either:
-i or --input The path to the gene_presence_absence.csv output from Roary
The path of the Alpha-to-Beta file with (alpha)(TAB)(beta)
-I or --inputroary Set if -i is in the gene_presence_absence.csv format from Roary
-p or --phylogeny Phylogeny of Betas in Newick format (required)
Max mode (mandatory for coincidence analysis):
-a or --associate Overlap; identify groups that tend to associate/co-occur.
-d or --dissociate Separation; identify groups that tend to dissociate/avoid.
Significance- specify:
-L or --level Specify the significnace level cutoff (default: 0.05)
Significance correction- specify:
-m or --bonferroni Bonferroni correction multiple correction (recommeneded)
-n or --nocorrection No correction, use value as-is
-c or --fraction (Connectivity analysis only) Use fraction rather than p-value
Alternative hypothesis- specify:
-g or --greater Greater (recommended)
-l or --less Less
-t or --twotailed Two-tailed
-x or --num_cores The number of cores to use (default: 2)
-v or --verbose Verbose output.
-r or --filter Permit filtering of saturated and low-abundance data.
-U or --upfilthreshold Upper filter threshold for high-abundance data filtering (default: 1.0 i.e. any alpha in >=100/% of betas.
-F or --filthreshold Threshold for low-abundance data filtering (default: 0.05 i.e. any alpha in <=5% of betas.
-q or --query The path to a file containing a list of genes to specificcally query, one per line (optional).
-T or --test Runs the test cases and exits.
-E or --all Outputs all results, regardless of significance.
-o or --output The prefix of all output files (default: coincident).
To get the version of coinfinder, simply type coinfinder
without any flag optoins.
Example output:
Example usage:
The example dataset, including input and expected output files using the associated manuscript can be found here.
Citation information:
@article{mbs:/content/journal/mgen/10.1099/mgen.0.000338, author = "Whelan, Fiona Jane and Rusilowicz, Martin and McInerney, James Oscar", title = "Coinfinder: detecting significant associations and dissociations in pangenomes", year = "2020", publisher = "Microbiology Society", url = "", doi = "", keywords = "pangenome", keywords = "gene association networks", keywords = "gene co-occurrence", abstract = "The accessory genes of prokaryote and eukaryote pangenomes accumulate by horizontal gene transfer, differential gene loss, and the effects of selection and drift. We have developed Coinfinder, a software program that assesses whether sets of homologous genes (gene families) in pangenomes associate or dissociate with each other (i.e. are ‘coincident’) more often than would be expected by chance. Coinfinder employs a user-supplied phylogenetic tree in order to assess the lineage-dependence (i.e. the phylogenetic distribution) of each accessory gene, allowing Coinfinder to focus on coincident gene pairs whose joint presence is not simply because they happened to appear in the same clade, but rather that they tend to appear together more often than expected across the phylogeny. Coinfinder is implemented in C++, Python3 and R and is freely available under the GNU license from " }
What if I find a bug or have an issue running coinfinder?
If you run into any issues with coinfinder, we want to hear about it! Please don't be shy, and log an Issue including as much of the following as possible:
- The exact command that you used to call coinfinder (helps us identify where in the code the bug might be).
- A reproducible example of the issue with a small dataset that you can share (helps us identify whether the issue is specific to a particular computer, operating system, and/or dataset).