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Modularize functions
Many of the gcn
and also the train
functions might be generalized to allow for a more modular and broader use.
E.g. the GCNModel.create
function might be generalized to a compose function:
Instead of
let create nfeat nhid nclass dropout adj =
let gc1 = gcnLayer nfeat nhid true adj
let gc2 = gcnLayer nhid nclass true adj
let drp = Dropout(dropout) |> M
F [gc1;gc2;drp] (fun t ->
use t = gc1.forward(t)
use t = Functions.ReLU(t)
use t = drp.forward(t)
use t = gc2.forward(t)
let t = Functions.LogSoftmax(t, dimension=1L)
there could be a general layer composition function
let composeWithDropOut (dropOut : #IModel) (activationFunc : TorchTensor -> TorchTensor) (outFunc : TorchTensor -> TorchTensor) (layers : FuncModel list) =
let rec composeF (f : TorchTensor -> TorchTensor) (remainingLayers : #IModel list) =
match remainingLayers with
| [] -> failwith "no layers were given"
| l :: [] -> f >> l.forward >> outFunc
| l :: ls -> composeF (f >> l.forward >> dropOut.forward >> activationFunc) ls
let forward = composeF id layers
let models : IModel list = List.append (layers |> List.map (fun x -> x :> IModel)) [dropOut]
F models forward
with your specific case resulting in
///Create two layer GCN model with dropout
let create nfeat nhid nclass dropout adj =
let gc1 = gcnLayer nfeat nhid true adj
let gc2 = gcnLayer nhid nclass true adj
let drp = Dropout(dropout) |> M
composeWithDropOut drp (fun t -> Functions.ReLU(t)) (fun t -> Functions.LogSoftmax(t,dimension=1L)) [gc1;gc2]