residual-attention-network copied to clipboard
Hi, i am intereated in your work and want to fine-tune the model for other task, could you please share the pre-trained imagenet model?
hi, thanks for your attention to our work. We will release our trained model as soon as possible.
hi @fwang91, could you kindly tell where did you release the trained models ? Thanks.
@fwang91 你好,想问一下这个网络是在什么操作系统上跑的啊?还有deploy.prototxt文件转换成trainval.prototxt文件时需要注意些什么地方,除了加入数据输入层和末尾的softmax层,中间还需要添加或者注意什么地方,谢谢
a year after publication, still no release of pre-trained models?
a year after publication, still no release of pre-trained models?