Franco Venturi
Franco Venturi
Thanks @iwiq for your suggestion; I didn't know about 'GNU Radio Live'. I didn't have much time last night; tonight I'll try one last time and, if don't get things...
Good news @iwiq and @nmaster2042 ! - I figured out my problem with SWIG - I had some include files from an older gr-osmosdr install back in June still under...
@nmaster2042 The problem with `biasT_ctrl` is that it looks like gqrx initializes the device without specifying the antenna being used, so biasT gets enabled on the default antenna (i.e. antenna...
Good point @nmaster2042 ; I didn't realize that bias T is only available on antenna B. Based on this, I just added a couple of lines to the code in...
Thanks for checking Bias-T on your RSPduo @nmaster2042 As per the RSP2 and RSPdx, I took a quick look at the code in `setAntenna()` this morning, and I saw that...
I just merged these changes, i.e. the ability to control RF notch, DAB notch, and Bias-T using the device string, to the master branch (without the 'DEBUG' messages), and removed...
Dimitri, thanks for reporting the problem. I was able to reproduce it here using `rx_sdr`, however with CubicSDR I am able to use either `Tuner 1 50 ohm` and `Tuner...
Hello Dimitri, I think I figured what is causing the problem with `rx_sdr` but CubicSDR works just fine. With `rx_sdr` the order of commands sent to the SoapySDRPlay3 module is...
Dimitri, to make sure you are using the latest version from the `copy-device-and-tuner-config` branch, and that your problem too is caused by switching tuner from `Tuner 1` to `Tuner 2`...
Dimitri, you are in good company about having a hectic week at work! Anyway thanks for trying it out and making sure thst `rx_sdr` now works as expected; I just...