jsfuzz copied to clipboard
Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory (tokenize)
I encountered a core dump while fuzzing that traces back to jsfuzz's versifier.js:413
[6242:0x34faa20] 18540 ms: Mark-sweep 1291.7 (1426.7) -> 1291.7 (1427.2) MB, 15.0 / 0.0 ms (average mu = 0.244, current mu = 0.169) allocation failure GC in old space requested
[6242:0x34faa20] 18549 ms: Mark-sweep 1292.4 (1427.2) -> 1292.1 (1427.2) MB, 7.8 / 0.1 ms (average mu = 0.212, current mu = 0.153) allocation failure GC in old space requested
<--- JS stacktrace --->
==== JS stack trace =========================================
0: ExitFrame [pc: 0x16ebcc0dbe1d]
Security context: 0x147d4f69e6e9 <JSObject>
1: tokenize(aka tokenize) [0x14d370af2101] [/home/me/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.3/lib/node_modules/jsfuzz/build/src/versifier.js:~413] [pc=0x16ebcc0ea74d](this=0x35c17a8826f1 <undefined>,data=0x1bc2ece351d1 <Uint8Array map = 0xc82d755b89>)
2: BuildVerse [0x14d370af1e01] [/home/me/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.3/lib/node_modules/jsfuzz/build/src/...
It also generated a corpus file of ~144K, while the average corpus size was ~20 bytes
jsfuzz - 1.0.10 node - 10.16.3
Hey @cawalch thanks for reporting! versifier is a new algorithm that we just released and it can be disabled with --versifier=false
just as a quick work-around.
Any chance you can share with me the fuzz-target or a repo that will help me to reproduce this behaviour?
...can be disabled with --versifier=false just as a quick work-around.
Got it. Thanks.
Any chance you can share with me the fuzz-target or a repo that will help me to reproduce this behaviour?
Corpus seed
http://asciidoctor.org[*Asciidoctor*] running on https://opalrb.com[_Opal_] brings AsciiDoc to Node.js!
Hopefully that helps.
I just tried this tool out and I've been seeing this a lot as well. On one run, I even had a 40MB corpus file.
Since maximum call stack errors were expected in my project, I also put this code into my fuzz function and don't recall seeing it since.
if (buffer.length > 1024) {
Thanks for reporting I think I'll disable versifier for now by default.