Eric Fu
Eric Fu
any updates?
To support commands like `\d` or `\dt`, some additional functions under `pg_catalog`, such as `pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid()`, need to be introduced. This looks troublesome. How do you think? @TennyZhuang @yezizp2012 PS. By...
Here `join` is too expensive and is not necessary. Actually we only need to combine results in the same epoch.
... And multiple `select` (which may result in multiple `TableScan`) is expensive. As a common practice, we may introduce an `Expand` operator to do this.
> I am afraid not. Consider the SQL select count(distinct v1), sum(v2); if a record delete pass the 2 Agg operators of the 2 side. the sum(v2)'s agg operator might...
> Because executing on DAG is not that simple to handle, we can first convert an aggregate with one distinct aggregate and one or more non-distinct aggregates to multi-phase aggregates,...
I think the cause is here: ``` BatchExpand { column_subsets: [[t.y, t.x], [t.y]] } ``` What we actually want is ``` BatchExpand { column_subsets: [[t.x], [t.y]] } ``` and keeps...
Question: is it possible to eliminate caching on the compactor? I don't think caching is helpful here, because every SST being read will be compacted into another SST and the...
What's the goal? What's the baseline?