airtable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
airtable copied to clipboard

A lightweight Java 8 Airtable API client for with all features implemented.

Airtable Java API Interface

This library support all features available in

CI codecov maven-central


  • Supports the new batch API
  • Supports all fields
  • Supports all features exposed in (as of 2020/01/20)
  • Build in pagination support
  • Heavily documented (javadoc)
  • Fluent Query Builder for type safe query building
    • AirtableFormula fluent builder
    • AirtableTable.QuerySpec fluent builder
  • Lightweight
    • commons-lang3 mainly for FastDateFormat, java 8 version is non thread-safe
    • fluent-hc to perform REST call
    • jackson-databind for handling JSON data
  • Proper airtable & client exception handling
    • AirtableApiException (from api service:
    • AirtableClientException (from client: most likely your mistake)
    • Status 429 Backoff 30 seconds auto try
  • Customizable HTTP Client (fluent-hc)
  • Custom Module: Cache using Guava
  • Custom Module: Data Mirroring (e.g. ETL, Lake, MR)


Hosted in Maven Central.




compile group: 'dev.fuxing', name: 'airtable-api', version: '0.3.2'


Getting the AirtableTable interface.

AirtableApi api = new AirtableApi("key...");
AirtableTable table = api.base("app...").table("Table Name");


Querying and getting a list.

// List with offset support
AirtableTable.PaginationList list = table.list(querySpec -> {
    querySpec.view("View Name");
    querySpec.filterByFormula(LogicalOperator.EQ, field("Value"), value(1));

// For next pagination


Iterator with automated build in support for pagination.

table.iterator().forEachRemaining(record -> {
    List<AttachmentField> images = record.getFieldAttachmentList("Images");
    String name = record.getFieldString("Name");

Query Spec Builder

All list querystring is supported with functional fluent formula builder.

List<AirtableRecord> list = table.list(query -> {
    // Localisation

    // Data filtering
    query.view("View Name");
    query.fields("a", "b");
    // Sorting
    query.sort("field-name", "desc");
    // Pagingation
    // Vanilla String Formula: NOT({F} = '')
    query.filterByFormula("NOT({F} = '')");
    // Compile time Typesafe Query Formula
    // {Value}=1
    query.filterByFormula(LogicalOperator.EQ, AirtableFormula.Object.field("Value"), value(1));
    // 1+2
    query.filterByFormula(NumericOperator.ADD, AirtableFormula.Object.value(1), AirtableFormula.Object.value(2))
    // {f1}=(AND(1,{f2}))
    query.filterByFormula(LogicalOperator.EQ, field("f1"), parentheses(LogicalFunction.AND, value(1), field("f2")));

Getting an existing record

AirtableRecord record = table.get("rec...");

Creating a new record

AirtableRecord record = new AirtableRecord();
record.putField("Name", "Posted");

// Attachment support
CollaboratorField collaborator = new CollaboratorField();
collaborator.setEmail("[email protected]");
record.putField("Collaborator", collaborator);

AttachmentField attachment = new AttachmentField();
record.putFieldAttachments("Attachments", Collections.singletonList(field));

record =;

Patching an existing record

AirtableRecord record = new AirtableRecord();
record.putField("Name", "Patched");

record = table.patch(record);

Replacing an existing record

AirtableRecord record = new AirtableRecord();
record.putField("Name", "Replaced Entirely");

record = table.put(record);

Deleting an existing record


429 Auto Retry

Auto retry is enabled by default. To disable it, you can create an Executor without retry.

Executor executor = AirtableExecutor.newInstance(false);
AirtableApi api = new AirtableApi("key...", executor);
AirtableTable table = api.base("app...").table("Table Name");

Cache Module

Use Airtable as your main database with heavy caching strategy.

For many read heavy applicaiton, status 429; too many request can be problematic when developing for speed. Cache is a read-only interface that will ignore ignorable AirtableApiException (429, 500, 502, 503).

Creating an airtable cache.

AirtableCache uses a different HTTPClient with more concurent connection pool. RetryStrategy is also ignored.

AirtableCache cache = AirtableCache.create(builder -> builder
        .table("Test Table")
        // Optional cache control
        .withGet(maxRecords, cacheDuration, cacheTimeUnit)
        .withQuery(maxRecords, cacheDuration, cacheTimeUnit)

Get record by id

Get will always attempt to get the latest record from airtable server.
Fallback read from cache will only happen if any of the ignorable exception is thrown.

AirtableRecord record = cache.get("rec0W9eGVAFSy9Chb");

Get records results by query spec

Query will always attempt to get the latest result from airtable server.
Fallback read from cache will only happen if any of the ignorable exception is thrown.
The cache key used will be the querystring.

List<AirtableRecord> results = cache.query(querySpec -> {
    querySpec.filterByFormula(LogicalOperator.EQ, field("Name"), value("Name 1"));

Gradle Dependencies

compile group: 'dev.fuxing', name: 'airtable-api', version: '0.3.2'
compile group: 'dev.fuxing', name: 'airtable-cache', version: '0.3.2'

Mirror Module

Use Airtable as your stateless database view for EDA.

For many applications:

  • You need a quick and dirty way to look at data from your database.
  • Your product manager don't know how to use SQL.
  • You don't want to manually create scripts and generate them.
  • You like Airtable and how simple it is.
  • You want to use Airtable blocks to generate Analytic.
  • You want visibility of internal data.
  • You are irritated from the requests your pm requires. (sort by?, you want me to filter WHAT?, why can't you learn how to use group by!)


// Example Database
Database database = new Database();

AirtableMirror mirror = new AirtableMirror(table, field("PrimaryKey in Airtable")) {
    protected Iterator<AirtableRecord> iterator() {
        // Provide an iterator of all your records to mirror over to Airtable.
        Iterator<Database.Data> iterator = database.iterator();

        return new Iterator<AirtableRecord>() {
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return iterator.hasNext();

            public AirtableRecord next() {
                Database.Data data =;

                // Map into AirtableRecord
                AirtableRecord record = new AirtableRecord();
                record.putField("Checkbox", data.checkbox);
                return record;

    // Whether a record from your (the iterator) is still same from airtable.
    protected boolean same(AirtableRecord fromIterator, AirtableRecord fromAirtable) {
        // You might want to add a timestamp to simplify checking
        String left = fromIterator.getFieldString("Name");
        String right = fromAirtable.getFieldString("Name");
        return Objects.equals(left, right);

    // Whether a row in airtable still exists in your database
    protected boolean has(String fieldValue) {
        return database.get(fieldValue) != null;
// Async run it every 6 hours.
ScheduledExecutorService ses = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
ses.scheduleAtFixedRate(mirror, 0, 6, TimeUnit.HOURS);

Gradle Dependencies

compile group: 'dev.fuxing', name: 'airtable-api', version: '0.3.2'
compile group: 'dev.fuxing', name: 'airtable-mirror', version: '0.3.2'

Testing is used to run test against a real instance


  • ./gradlew uploadArchives closeAndPromoteRepository

Since PGP key is required, and it's my key that I rather it not being stored on a server. I will be publishing manually instead.