James Yang

Results 73 issues of James Yang

Please see the API and docs: https://github.com/cssobj/cssobj/blob/master/docs/api.md#config-object https://github.com/cssobj/cssobj/blob/master/docs/merge-multiple-object.md **intros** is a syntax sugar for `Object.assign`, see below: ``` cssobj(yourObj, { intros: [ {p:{color: 'red'}} ] }) ``` cssobj will turn...

when want to install from github directly in `package.json`, as below: ``` js "dependencies": { "cssobj-core": "cssobj/cssobj-core", .... } ``` It's github repo: https://github.com/cssobj/cssobj-core After push, the page not updated...

I'm suffering the freezing of emacs several times when I'm leaving my PC with emacs opened, and the screen saver will appear, after a long time when I'm back, emacs...

There's error when in js2-mode: ``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Creating pipe" "too many open files") start-process("Tern" nil "node" "d:/Emacs/.emacs.d/tern/bin/tern" "--strip-crs") apply(start-process "Tern" nil ("node" "d:/Emacs/.emacs.d/tern/bin/tern" "--strip-crs")) (let* ((default-directory tern-project-dir)...

Feature Request: Add ability to proxy NFS flow with failover multiple backend Is it possible? If the tool can monitor, I think it's easy to act as a NFS proxy(like...

When using [Emacs-pretest-25.1-rc2-universal.dmg](https://emacsformacosx.com/builds), There's error msg: > > Invalid function: org-babel-header-args-safe-fn Cannot popup any thing

this PR should fix: https://github.com/oyyd/youdao-collins-chrome-extension/issues/39 The logic retuned: 1. When `firstElementChild` is empty, the returned value should be checked against `null` 2. When it's not `INPUT` or `TEXTAREA`, then fallback...

version: [email protected] **install log** ``` mac:server pro$ cnpm i objutil ✔ Installed 1 packages ✔ Linked 0 latest versions ✔ Run 0 scripts Recently updated (since 2017-07-01): 1 packages (detail...

There's some error thrown when use with Backbone.js, due to lost some function Backbone will invoked. Could make it compatible with Backbone.js?

think below line: `{#}` press `` all brackets gone, but I often use `` only one bracket gone. Can add `` support?