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BUG : location problem
hey i think its a bug we save last page cfi in a asyncstorage and when we get back to open book we give that cfi to location to open book for where we closed it .its ok until now. now the point is that location cant open book after a specified page i will make a sample for what i mean we close book from page 30 and when we return back its ok and book will open in page 30 but if we close book from page 70 or 80 (it will open book from page 40) if we close book in more than page 40 . it will open in page 40 ; and not more this number (40) is for my first book and its variable (30 in my another book ) help pls
i found the problem if we change font size of book the problem shows for example book chapter is 20 page and if we add more font size it will be 28 page maybe and location is working on 20 page . it ignore cfi for 28 page i dont know what to do :)))
hi , how can change font size and font in epub file bro?
you can get visibleLocation.start.cfi for save location of current page and save in state , do equal this state to location parameter in Epub like location={this.state.location}