druid-todo-tutorial copied to clipboard
Hello! My name is Paul and today I'd like to help you make a slightly-more-complex-than-hello-world app using Druid, a GUI framework written in Rust. In the classic GUI tradition we'll be working on a simple todo app. You'll need some familiarity with Rust to follow along, especially Rust's concept of Traits, but I'll try not to assume too much familiarity because a lot of what I know about Rust has been learned in parallel with learning Druid and contributing to the project.
1. Setup
To get started let's create a new project: cargo new druid-todo-tutorial
. Now cd
into that folder and add druid
as a dependency to the Cargo.toml
file. This tutorial was written against Druid version 0.7:
druid = { version = "0.7", features = ["im"]}
The "im"
feature flag is optional but it allows Druid to use immutable types from the im-rs
project which ends up being an ergonomic win when setting up our app's state (we'll be storing our todos in an immutable Vector
Druid uses native platform dependencies on Windows and Mac, but if you're on Linux you'll also need to make sure you have GTK3 on your system.
2. Hello world
Alright let's get a basic window on the screen. To save ourselves the hassle of refactoring later I'm going to split this code into three files right from the start:
This is where our application state, along with its relevant methods, will live. For now we'll just use an empty struct. State that we hand off to Druid must impl Data
, which can be derived for structs containing many of the basic Rust types, as long as they're cheap to compare and cheap to clone. Druid uses cheap equality checks on the app state to know when it should re-render.
use druid::Data;
#[derive(Clone, Data)]
pub struct AppState {}
Here is where we'll compose widgets in order to represent our UI. I'm creating a build_ui
function that returns Druid's built-in Label
widget with the static text of "Hello"
. The function signature is impl Widget<AppState>
but it would be also correct to say it simply returns a Label<AppState>
. I use the impl
style because once we start wrapping the label in various layout widgets the specific type we're returning will change, but they all impl Druid's Widget
trait and that's all I care about.
use druid::{widget::Label, Widget};
use crate::data::*;
pub fn build_ui() -> impl Widget<AppState> {
Druid uses druid-shell
under the hood to work with the native platform on stuff like windows, drawing, and the event loop. Here we describe a main_window
with a root widget of build_ui
(which we just defined in view.rs
), and an initial_state
. Then we hand the window and state to AppLauncher
which will now be in charge of drawing our app based on our widget tree and updating our state appropriately.
use druid::{AppLauncher, WindowDesc};
mod data;
use data::AppState;
mod view;
use view::build_ui;
pub fn main() {
let main_window = WindowDesc::new(build_ui)
.title("Todo Tutorial")
.window_size((400.0, 400.0));
let initial_state = AppState {};
.expect("Failed to launch application");
When you run this with cargo run
you should get a nice little window with the word "Hello" in the top left corner.
3. Creating a list
A todo list app needs a list of todos, so let's add that to our data.rs
. We'll create a TodoItem
struct and add a im::Vector
of those to the AppState
. I'm also deriving Lens
for both of our structs, which I'll explain in a second. I'll also impl some new
functions to make it easier to stub in dummy data.
If you you don't want to use an immutable Vector
for the todo list, you can also use a traditional Rust Vec
, however you can't derive Data
for Vec
automatically (remember Data
needs to be cheap to compare and cheap to clone). To solve this, wrap the Vec
in an Arc
and you'll be good. Vector
is easy to mutate without cloning, but this is also usually possible with Arc
using Arc::make_mut
use druid::{im::Vector, Data, Lens};
#[derive(Clone, Data, Lens)]
pub struct AppState {
todos: Vector<TodoItem>,
impl AppState {
pub fn new(todos: Vec<TodoItem>) -> Self {
Self {
todos: Vector::from(todos),
#[derive(Clone, Data, Lens)]
pub struct TodoItem {
done: bool,
text: String,
impl TodoItem {
pub fn new(text: &str) -> Self {
Self {
done: false,
text: text.into(),
Now in our view we'll compose a widget to represent a single TodoItem
. Then we'll change our build_ui
function to return a list composed of these todo_item
use druid::{
widget::{Checkbox, Flex, Label, List},
Widget, WidgetExt,
use crate::data::*;
fn todo_item() -> impl Widget<TodoItem> {
let checkbox = Checkbox::new("").lens(TodoItem::done);
let label = Label::raw().lens(TodoItem::text);
Flex::row().with_child(checkbox).with_flex_child(label, 1.)
pub fn build_ui() -> impl Widget<AppState> {
Most of this should be pretty straightforward. We create a checkbox and label widget from Druid's standard toolkit, then put them inside a Flex
row (layout in Druid is usually done in the flexbox style, similar to Flutter
and to a lesser extent the web's flexbox, but you use an explicit Flex
widget to do it). Then we pass the todo_item
function to List
which will use it to build each of its children.
What's interesting here is that if you look at Druid's
implementation of Checkbox
, it impls the Widget
trait for Widget<bool>
, meaning it can represent app state of type bool. But we're trying to display a TodoItem
that contains a bool!
Meanwhile, Label::raw()
constructs a RawLabel
widget which is generic on T: TextStorage
which we obviously haven't implemented for TodoItem
Enter lenses. A lens is a datatype that gives access to a part of a larger data structure. Because we have derived Lens
for our TodoItem
struct, we can "lens" into the members of TodoItem
to give these widgets only the portion of data they know how to work with. .lens(TodoItem::done)
gives Checkbox
the bool
it craves, while .lens(TodoItem::text)
gives RawLabel
a String
, for which Druid
has already implemented TextStorage
We don't need to do any lensing for the Flex
widget because it doesn't need to look at its data, it simply passes it along to its children (this is common for many of the built-in layout widgets). The List
widget requires a Data
that impls its ListIter
trait, but kindly offers default implmentations for a few basic collections, including im::Vector
, so we just lens our AppState
down to to todos
and List
knows what to do from there.
Lensing is one of Druid's hardest conceptual hurdles to climb, so don't stress if it doesn't click right away. The Druid community is always happy to help if you get stuck.
Now let's build our new app state:
let todos = vec![TodoItem::new("thing one"), TodoItem::new("thing two")];
let initial_state = AppState::new(todos);
And re-run the app. You should end up with a nice little two-item todo list.
4. Create more todos
Now let's make it so we can add todos at runtime using a textbox. We'll need somewhere to store this textbox's state, so we'll add it to the top-level AppState. We'll also add two more methods to AppState
which I'll explain in a second:
#[derive(Clone, Data, Lens)]
pub struct AppState {
new_todo: String,
todos: Vector<TodoItem>,
impl AppState {
pub fn new(todos: Vec<TodoItem>) -> Self {
Self {
new_todo: "".into(),
todos: Vector::from(todos),
fn add_todo(&mut self) {
self.new_todo = "".into();
pub fn click_add(_ctx: &mut EventCtx, data: &mut Self, _env: &Env) {
Now in our view we'll create a new function that impls Widget<AppState>
fn new_todo_textbox() -> impl Widget<AppState> {
let new_todo_textbox = TextBox::new()
.with_placeholder("Add a new todo")
let add_todo_button = Button::new("Add").on_click(AppState::click_add);
.with_flex_child(new_todo_textbox, 1.)
And add it to our main ui:
pub fn build_ui() -> impl Widget<AppState> {
The important thing to understand here is the .on_click(AppState::click_add)
on our Button
widget. If I hover over on_click
in VS Code with Rust Analyzer hooked up, I see this delightful function signature:
pub fn on_click(self, f: impl Fn(&mut EventCtx, &mut T, &Env) + 'static) -> ControllerHost<Self, Click<T>>
The impl Fn(&mut EventCtx, &mut T, &Env) + 'static
function is satisfied by the click_add
method we put on AppState
. It's also totally fine to write this as a closure inline, but I find it's a little messy:
let add_todo_button = Button::new("Add")
.on_click(|_ctx: &mut EventCtx, data: &mut AppState, _env: &Env| data.add_todo());
What this on_click
method ultimately boils down to is an implementation of Druid's Widget
trait with only the event
portion defined by us. That is to say, we're creating a Widget
to wrap our Button
widget, and we're going to intercept click events and do something with them, but otherwise we'll just let button handle everything else (everything else including other events like mouse hover, and other parts of the Widget
impl like layout
, update
, and paint
5. Saving our state to disk
A todo app is of limited utility if it doesn't persist its state, so let's do some serializing. This is mostly fairly standard Rust stuff so I'm not going to go into too much detail here.
First we'll add the serde
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
Now we derive serde's Serialize
and Deserialize
for TodoItem
#[derive(Clone, Data, Lens, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TodoItem {
done: bool,
pub text: String,
Then we can add load and save methods to AppState
. Note that we need to convert our Vector
into a standard Rust Vec
for the sake of serialization.
pub fn save_to_json(&self) -> Result<(), Error> {
let todo_vec: Vec<TodoItem> = self.todos.iter().map(|item| item.to_owned()).collect();
let serialized = serde_json::to_string_pretty(&todo_vec)?;
std::fs::write("todos.json", serialized)?;
pub fn load_from_json() -> Self {
let file = File::open("todos.json");
match file {
Ok(file) => {
let reader = BufReader::new(file);
let todos: Vec<TodoItem> = serde_json::from_reader(reader).unwrap_or(vec![]);
Self {
todos: Vector::from(todos),
new_todo: String::new(),
Err(_) => Self {
todos: Vector::new(),
new_todo: String::new(),
Now we can update our add_todo
method to include a call to save_to_json
fn add_todo(&mut self) {
self.new_todo = "".into();
And now we can now generate our initial_state
from the .json
file during setup (this will default to an empty state if there is none):
let initial_state = AppState::load_from_json();
Now if you run this you should get an empty todo list. If you add a couple items, then close and reopen the app, they should be persisted! With our hardcoded "todos.json"
path this file will be generated in the root folder of our project, though obviously you can use any path you'd like.
6. Saving the "done" state
You might've noticed a glaring flaw in our serialization plan: we're only saving to disk when we add a new todo. We don't have any way right now to react to when a todo is marked or unmarked as "done".
This highlights an interesting constraint when building Druid apps: it's very easy to "lens down" to smaller and smaller portions of the AppState. But once a widget deep in the tree (in this case, Checkbox<bool>
) needs to act on a different portion of the tree or call a method on the root AppState
, we need an escape hatch. There are a few ways to go about this. None of them are perfectly elegant, but for most of my own encounters with this situation I've been using what I heretically call the "Elm style" of firing a Command
(a special kind of event that's internal to Druid) from the leaf widget that will be handled by the root of the app.
In practice we'll be using the same machinery that powers the on_click
feature we saw earlier: a Controller
Let's create two new files:
use druid::{AppDelegate, Command, DelegateCtx, Env, Handled, Selector, Target};
use crate::data::AppState;
pub const SAVE: Selector = Selector::new("todo.save");
pub struct Delegate;
impl AppDelegate<AppState> for Delegate {
fn command(
&mut self,
_ctx: &mut DelegateCtx,
_target: Target,
cmd: &Command,
data: &mut AppState,
_env: &Env,
) -> Handled {
if cmd.is(SAVE) {
} else {
println!("cmd forwarded: {:?}", cmd);
The AppDelegate
will wrap our whole app and intercept and handle the Commands
we dispatch. Any widget can handle a Command
, but this offers a nice and tidy place to handle top-level stuff and call methods on our AppState
A specific Command
is identified by its Selector
, which we define here with the const SAVE
. Then in the AppDelegate
we match on cmd.is(SAVE)
. If it is save, we call our save_to_json
function and declare that we've Handled
the Command
. For all other commands we'll say Handled::No
so Druid knows to propogate that Command
down the tree.
use druid::{widget::Controller, Env, UpdateCtx, Widget};
use crate::data::*;
use crate::delegate::SAVE;
pub struct TodoItemController;
impl<W: Widget<TodoItem>> Controller<TodoItem, W> for TodoItemController {
fn update(
&mut self,
child: &mut W,
ctx: &mut UpdateCtx,
old_data: &TodoItem,
data: &TodoItem,
env: &Env,
) {
if old_data.done != data.done {
child.update(ctx, old_data, data, env);
This Controller
is what will wrap our TodoItem
widget. You'll see it's generic on W: Widget<TodoItem>
, so any widget that satisfies impl Widget<TodoItem>
is fair game. Unlike the on_click
handler, which was overriding the event
method of Widget
, this Controller
is overriding the update
method. It's sitting in the widget tree and examining incoming changes to data
. It checks if old_data.done
is different than data.done
, and if so it submits a command to the ctx
which be sent to the top of the tree to be handled by our AppDelegate
Now let's wire these up to our app.
Make sure to declare the new modules:
mod controllers;
mod delegate;
use delegate::Delegate;
And then call the AppLauncher
with the Delegate
.delegate(Delegate {})
.expect("Failed to launch application");
Append the TodoItemController
to todo_item
's return statement:
use crate::controllers::TodoItemController;
fn todo_item() -> impl Widget<TodoItem> {
let checkbox = Checkbox::new("").lens(TodoItem::done);
let label = Label::raw().lens(TodoItem::text);
.with_flex_child(label, 1.)
Now when you run the app and toggle todos that state should be saved to todos.json
7. Deleting a todo
I was hoping you wouldn't notice that all of our todos are currently permanent. Very well, let's delete some!
The quick and easy way is to add a "Clear completed" method to our AppState
. Let's do that first:
pub fn clear_completed(_ctx: &mut EventCtx, data: &mut Self, _env: &Env) {
data.todos.retain(|item| !item.done);
Remember the arguments like ctx
and env
are because we'll be using this with an on_click
pub fn build_ui() -> impl Widget<AppState> {
let clear_completed_button = Button::new("Clear completed").on_click(AppState::clear_completed);
We pass the AppState::clear_completed_button
method to this Button
's on_click
, do a little bit of flex spacer-ing, and we're done!
Now we can run the app and clear the completed todos.
But let's tackle the harder case of deleting a single todo from the todo itself. Again, because a TodoItem
is lensed down to a single element of a Vector
, it doesn't make very much sense for it to delete "itself", so instead we'll want to ask the AppDelegate
to delete us. In order to do this we'll need some sort of stable identity. It might be overkill but I enjoy using the uuid
uuid = { version = "0.8.1", features = ["serde", "v4"] }
Including the serde
feature means we'll be able to serialize this id. It's really a beautiful ecosystem!
Okay let's update our TodoItem
#[derive(Clone, Data, Lens, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TodoItem {
#[data(same_fn = "PartialEq::eq")]
pub id: Uuid,
pub done: bool,
pub text: String,
impl TodoItem {
pub fn new(text: &str) -> Self {
Self {
id: Uuid::new_v4(),
done: false,
text: text.into(),
Because Uuid
doesn't impl Druid's Data
trait, we can manually specify that Druid should use same_fn = "PartialEq::eq"
to derive Data
, which is fast in this case because Uuid
is 128 bits all on the stack. For truly exceptionally cases you can also of course impl Data
manually, and of course you can always wrap your type in an Arc
. Just remember the mantra: "cheap to compare and cheap to clone."
Now if you run the app you should see no todos in your list, even if you had some in todos.json
. That's because we didn't make this backwards compatible, so serde failed to deserialize, and we just defaulted to an empty state. But if you create some more todos you should be seeing some uuids now.
Okay so now with the help of our Uuid
let's wire up a "Delete" button on each todo_item
First let's add a method to AppState
to do the actual deleting. This looks a lot like our clear_completed
pub fn delete_todo(&mut self, id: &Uuid) {
self.todos.retain(|item| &item.id != id);
We'll add a new Selector
, but this one will take a "payload" of Uuid
pub const DELETE: Selector<Uuid> = Selector::new("todo.delete");
And handle that Command
in the AppDelegate
, pulling out the payload value with cmd.get
if cmd.is(SAVE) {
} else if let Some(id) = cmd.get(DELETE) {
} else {
println!("cmd forwarded: {:?}", cmd);
Back in data we'll add a click_delete
method to TodoItem
pub fn click_delete(ctx: &mut EventCtx, data: &mut Self, _env: &Env) {
Finally, we'll create the "Delete" button and add it to our todo_item
's Flex
let delete_button = Button::new("Delete").on_click(TodoItem::click_delete);
let delete_button = Button::new("Delete").on_click(TodoItem::click_delete);
Now if you re-run the app you'll have full delete functionality!
8. What's next?
In preparing for this tutorial I made a fuller-featured version of this app, including styling and editable todos. Hopefully the Druid mechanisms I've shown you here should give you enough context to read that code and figure out what's going on. When Druid is more mature I'd like to revisit this tutorial with new best practices and do some good styling to make our app look really polished.
Thanks for reading!