Results 64 comments of Futago-za Ryuu

Updating the documentation is a good idea, but I'm sure that it won't stop some people from making the same mistake, so in the long term, displaying the correct error...

@YemSalat Tests are usually good, but tbh, in this case, it's probably not needed; the only way to reliably test if this option is working as intended is when NYC/Istanbul...

Decided to: - Use [VuePress]( as the static site generator - Move to Now v2 - Not focus on IE support for the online editor's "Download parser" button

The website folder is there for _easier to access reference_ while I rebuild the site in VuePress, and hasn't been updated for a while.

Although personally, I understand the feeling of wanting the software to be able to generate what it can parse, as @pjmolina summarised, this is outside of the scope of this...

I've decided to take another look at this, but it will have to be post-v1 before it can be implemented because that will be the point where the API is...

sorry for the bump 😜 I was just looking into creating CSON and YAML parsers for a language I am designing, and while looking on ways to create a indention...

@krisnye +1 for the grammar based implementation, nice and simple. If you don't mind, I will be adding this to my variant of PEG.js 😄 @kristianmandrup see you commit for...

@krisnye 1. Using __identifier++__ can easily cause a messy error if the developer meant __identifier+__, that's why I chose to go with __++identifier__ and, for consistency, __--identifier__ 2. As mentioned...