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Copy entrypoint from image

Open XAMPPRocky opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

Hello 👋 I was interested in using this library in a project to be able to pull WASM images from docker registries, and copy the WASM module to then be able to run it with a runtime like wasmtime, however I can't seem to find any API or example that shows how to copy from from a docker image layer. Is this possible, and if so would it be possible to add an example of how to do it?

XAMPPRocky avatar Jul 14 '23 22:07 XAMPPRocky

So, you can download the contents of a container that was created from an image ... an example might be in the test

Otherwise, there is also the buildkit functionality that will generate a file structure on build of an image.. - that might be possible with some code changes, I'll need to take a closer look in the coming days.

fussybeaver avatar Jul 15 '23 11:07 fussybeaver

This is the code I ended up using , I had to assume a default path of /entrypoint.wasm because I couldn't figure out a way to create an image with a ENTRYPOINT programmatically. It might be nice if there was a higher level equivalent to this in the library, so that you could have the equivalent of docker cp as a function.

    async fn pull_from_image(name: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>, eyre::Error> {
        let docker = Docker::connect_with_local_defaults()?;

        // Pull the Docker image
        let options = CreateImageOptions {
            from_image: name.to_string(),

        let mut stream = docker.create_image(Some(options), None, None);
        while let Some(_) = {}

        // Create a new container from the image
        let options = CreateContainerOptions {
            name: "my-container",
        let container = docker
                bollard::container::Config {
                    image: Some(name),
                    cmd: Some(vec!["/usr/bin/true"]),
        let _ = docker.start_container::<String>(&, None).await;

        // Inspect the container to retrieve the ENTRYPOINT value
        let options = InspectContainerOptions { size: false };
        let container_info = docker
            .inspect_container(&, Some(options))
        let entrypoint = match container_info.config {
            Some(config) => match config.entrypoint {
                Some(entrypoint) => entrypoint.join("/"),
                None => "/entrypoint.wasm".into(),
            None => return Err(eyre::eyre!("Failed to retrieve container configuration.")),

        // Retrieve the WASM module from the container using the Docker API
        let stream = docker.download_from_container(
            Some(DownloadFromContainerOptions {
                path: entrypoint.clone(),

        let bytes = stream
            .collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;

        let bytes = bytes
            .fold(bytes::BytesMut::new(), |mut buf, item| {

        // Remove the container
        let options = RemoveContainerOptions {
            v: true,
            force: true,
            link: false,
            .remove_container(&, Some(options))

        // Decompress the tar archive in memory
        let mut archive = Archive::new(Self::decompress_layer(&bytes)?);
        let mut wasm_module = Vec::new();
        for file in archive.entries()? {
            let mut file = file?;
            if std::path::Path::new("/").join(file.path()?) == std::path::Path::new(&entrypoint) {
                file.read_to_end(&mut wasm_module)?;


    fn decompress_layer(layer: &[u8]) -> Result<Box<dyn Read + '_>, eyre::Error> {
        const GZIP: &[u8] = b"\x1F\x8B";
        const BZIP2: &[u8] = b"\x42\x5A";
        const XZ: &[u8] = b"\xFD\x37";

        match &layer[0..2] {
            GZIP => Ok(Box::from(GzDecoder::new(layer))),
            BZIP2 => Ok(Box::from(BzDecoder::new(layer))),
            XZ => Ok(Box::from(XzDecoder::new(layer))),
            _ => Ok(Box::from(Cursor::new(layer))),

XAMPPRocky avatar Jul 15 '23 14:07 XAMPPRocky