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A blazing fast js bundler/loader with a comprehensive API :fire:

Results 47 fuse-box issues
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Fusebox version ```4.0.1-next.7``` Issue is with ```mapbox-gl```, full error: ```Failed to resolve %23clip in /Users/joshpike/Projects/aquipa/client/node_modules/mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.css:1:28436``` Should probably ignore urls looking like '#blah' as they can't be resolved before build

[String.prototype.substr()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/substr) is deprecated so we replace it with [String.prototype.slice()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/slice) which works similarily but isn't deprecated. .substr() probably isn't going away anytime soon but the change is trivial so it doesn't...

Hi, I'm using : "fuse-box": "^4.0.1-next.8", When I run node fuse, to my file fuse.js, got the prob : node_modules\fuse-box\env.js:20 SCRIPT_FILE: require.main.filename, here my fuse.js file : import { fusebox...

I am trying to code split with React lazy and get error: > Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: [object Promise]. Lazy element type must resolve...


Option for handling service worker and web manifest needs to be added i v4.


With angular 12, ngcc could be used to upgrade any View Engine libraries to Ivy. Running it once after postinstall did the job. But with 13, ngcc is no longer...

I have a website with one assets folder and two fusebox projects. Both of the projects export to a folder in dist: Neither of these projects can access the assets...


Following the documentation with this example from [this page](https://fuse-box.org/docs/development/output): ``` import { fusebox } from 'fuse-box'; const fuse = fusebox({ entry: "src/public/index.ts", target: "browser", devServer: false, webIndex: true, }); fuse.runDev({...

Minimal example project: https://github.com/draoncc/FuseBox-GraphQL-Apollo-CoreSchema-issue-example Run `yarn build`, followed by `node dist/app.js`. It should print a `GraphQLErrorExt`. The issue is that only one instance of "graphql" may be bundled, but when...

I'm running into an issue where fuse-box isn't correctly transpiling statements like: `export const { A, B } = ...`. The exports are completely ignored. If I do: ``` const...