David Overcash
David Overcash
Moving this feature into the current development roadmap - we'll be building in report customization as soon as we've figured out the best interface for including / excluding accounts from...
Additionally: - Add a unique sort field to both transactions and account_transactions that can be numerically sorted and easily created through a simple hash of date, transaction_id, and close_books. -...
NOTE: API Spec. Change: Beans_Account_Transaction no longer has an array of Beans_Account_Transaction_Form v1.1.1 Update will require adding form_type and form_id to transactions table and migration script ( referenced in commit...
NOTE: All ORM functions that return a result with ``` ->find_all(); ``` will now have to use ``` find_all()->as_array(); ``` Per a change in 3.3 - unverified in 3.4.
Revising this issue to represent Ubuntu 14.04 / PHP 5 support. Re-assigned to v1.2.
[ Solved for v1.2 ] Moving to Milestone v1.3 Pending: Proper MySQLi support.
Per #201 discussion and outside planning - this should also include changing the deployment method of Kohana and any other sub-modules to use composer.
This should - at the very least - manage to separate large chunks of the Javascript apart based on specific function, and create a broad basis for easily inheriting common...
There are no proposed changes for this to occur in v1.1 - but will more than likely target a future v2.0 roadmap.
Hi @civkati - When you create the sales tax under "Setup", are you entering the ABN for your "License #" ? If so - it may be easiest for us...