Danny Angelo Carminati Grein
Danny Angelo Carminati Grein
Implement unity tests to detect regressions; Implement coverage tests; (see gcov+zcov)
Create an IDraggable interface for dragging GUI objects.
Create some kind of IDropArea so we can easily manage IDraggable objects.
Credits screen with basic scroller credits, extensible and customized by inheritance.
A base class with sound effects volume slider, music volume slider, graphics effects toggle, full screen/windowed toggle, cursor toggle, etc. Extensible by inheritance.
Implement a skinnable main menu helper class (with sprites, position information, scale information, sound, etc.). The usage will be by inheritance. eg. virtual methods OnStart, OnOptions, OnCredits, OnQuit as basic...
Implement support to memory mapped files. http://www.kernel.org/doc/man-pages/online/pages/man2/mmap.2.html http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms810613.aspx
- Validate the need of creating sprite directly from code. - Enable sprite to use a custom created Texture2D.
Event should pass together the offset of the event x,y relative to the widget own position, something like: fOffset = pInput->GetPosition() - widget->GetPosition();