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train data
> For most simple case, hard code on mmdet3d. for example, sub sample to 1/5. From self.data_infos = self.load_annotations(self.ann_file) to self.data_infos = self.load_annotations(self.ann_file)[::5]
For more reasonable way, check here:
add line: self.data_infos = self.data_infos[::5]
maybe modify more variable
Or, construct a new dataset called nuscenes-subset
Thank you for your suggestion. Now, when slicing the mini dataset, I will change the 64th line of BEVFormer/mmdeletion3d/mmdet3d/datasets/custom_1d. py from # self. data_infos=self. loaduannotations (self. annunfile) to
After self. data_infos=self. loadannotations (self. annunfile) [:: 5], the training time remains the same as before it was modified.
Meanwhile, if I am in line 26 of BEVFormer/projects/mmdet3d_plugin/datasets/nuscenes_dataset. py, that is, super()__ After init__ (* args, * * kwargs), add self. data_infos=self. data_infos [:: 5], and it is found that the training time has not changed. May I ask what is the reason for this
Looking forward to your answer
Originally posted by @wuhen777 in