fx-fotos copied to clipboard
FEATURE REQUEST: Browsing single image with action buttons [OPEN TO HUNT] [$1,000]
Action Performed:
- Tap on an image to navigate to the single image view screen
Expected Result:
When the user navigated to the single image view screen, he/she has to be able to :
- Browse between images (Allow the user to scroll images horizontally in a single view mode)
- Zoom in/out the image
- View the image information when pulled up the image
- Display action buttons at the end of the screen
Actual Result:
Till now We have created a single-image view screen to open the selected image with a transition on it. We have used react-native-shared-element and react-navigation packages to manage image transitions between screens.
Where is this issue occurring?
- iOS
- Android
There is a $1,000 open bounty on this issue. Add to the bounty at Bountysource.
is someone working on this? i'd be interested to implement this, but i don't want to waste efforts competing ;)
Hi @caryoscelus , Thanks for your attention, Yes, someone is working on this issue.
For anyone following, I've got the panel view working on IOS and Android, with a minor bug on IOS which I will address later.
I am now working on incorporating the panel and outputting real information similar to that in another similar application.
@caryoscelus the person working on the issue did not deliver. If you want to start working on it please let me know
This issue is open for bounty hunters
@ehsan6sha i'm a little busy with other projects right now , i'll asses my resources and get back to you
@ehsan6sha Can I pick this up?
@ehsan6sha Can I pick this up?
Hi, Sure. Can you please provide frequent updates
@ehsan6sha Can I pick this up?
Hi, Sure. Can you please provide frequent updates
Sure, will do. Getting started! :)
Can I pick this one ?
Would like to work on this issue ! If the admin is okay with this ?
hi @priyeshshah11 please update us if you have started work on this issue?
@endurance21 and @vibhuti019 I believe the way bountyhunt works is it allows multiple people work on the isue and provides the bounty to the accepted PR. Our criteria is performance and functionality.
I could possibly work on this bounty too.
hi @priyeshshah11 please update us if you have started work on this issue?
Hi @ehsan6sha Yes I tried, but had several setup issues on a Mac M1 Pro and have other priority stuff going on, so others can pick it up/start work.
@seanwestfall sure. as long as it is open, anyone can start the work
@seanwestfall @vibhuti019 @endurance21 anyone who started working on it, might be a good idea to share the progress frequently
I have created a view for single image view, working on the scroll action @ehsan6sha
@vibhuti019 any progress?
I am working on it sir @ehsan6sha
I testable working PR will be ready within 2-3 days.
@ehsan6sha my iPhone is having problem can someone verify the app on iOS?
Hi @vibhuti019 , For now just Android platform is ready for build.
I can confirm, when trying to build fotos
in xcode I get this error:
unable to open file (in target "fotos" in project "fotos") Pods-fotos.debug.xcconfig
@seanwestfall are you trying to use expo cli? There is some issue in code due to which expo is unable to fetch assets. We can raise a issue for this and then expo can compile the code for iOS.
@ghorbani-m @ehsan6sha can anyone give any idea for scroll-up function which shows the details of the pic. I have tried some things but it is causing errors.
@ghorbani-m @ehsan6sha can anyone give any idea for scroll-up function which shows the details of the pic. I have tried some things but it is causing errors.
@vibhuti019 have you got a build successfully on the develop branch?
There is a screen called "Photo
" here that displays a single image. and here is where we navigate to Photo
However, you have to create another screen, especially for the single image browsing feature.
@ghorbani-m @ehsan6sha can anyone give any idea for scroll-up function which shows the details of the pic. I have tried some things but it is causing errors.
@vibhuti019 have you got a build successfully on the develop branch? There is a screen called "
" here that displays a single image. and here is where we navigate toPhoto
screenHowever, you have to create another screen, especially for the single image browsing feature.
@ghorbani-m Exactly I have done the same I have created another screen for browsing image feature buy I am unable to use the scroll up feature which will show the details of thr image. The last part is causing issues and also let me know what details I will have to show.
You need to implement this feature by react-native-reanimated
and react-native-gesture-handler
For now, you can just display the image path, create date, and modified the date.
Sorry, I don't get the scroll-up issue, you mean, you can not implement this part of feature?
No, I am working on it. While using the gesture handler it wasn't working on apple devices. And was causing constant errors. I will try with the second one today.