@sabderemane I'll add the hacktoberfest-accepted label for now. @HenokB We'd appreciate if you made the requested changes soon :)
@JatinGera-noob See issue #133 on the Tkinter module. You may work on that if you wish!
Open for hacktoberfest 2022 contributions. Submit tutorial under file: string-formatting/string-reversal.py
Still open for anyone to write a tutorial!
@HenokB Thanks for the suggestion, you're assigned now. I'll assign you to the other Issues you suggested when you've made a PR for this one!
Still open for anyone to write a tutorial!
Open for anyone to write a tutorial about
Still open for anyone to write a tutorial!
@amulyavarshney Thanks for your PR! I'm adding the hacktoberfest accepted label so it counts in time for hacktoberfest. However, please note we might still require you to make some changes...
> The **job-execute-python** check is unable to install the dependencies from requirements.txt file. Please fix that or rerun the program and check it manually. I'll also check this later.