Linuxバイナリもリリースいたしましたので、ご利用いただけると。 ちなみに、先日私もLinux上で最新のソースコードをビルドしたところ、上記エラーは起きず、ビルドできました。 最新のソースコードでビルドを再度試していただき、問題が出るようでしたら、再度issueを上げてもらえると助かります。
The “--tool-chain-path” option is a hidden option, so it is not shown with the “--help” option. When building on the target MacOS with Unity, make sure to export xcode project....
Upon investigation, I found that `--tool-chain-path` is not available when the target is MacOS. It is available when the target is iPhone. As a workaround, I think it works if...
Simply make `/Applications/` a symbolic link to `/YourHome/.DeClang/compiler/bin/clang`. `/Applications/` is already a symbolic link to the "clang" in same directory, so there is no need to change it. `/YourHome/.DeClang/log.txt` is...
DeClang is developed based on [the official apple clang project](, so there are no differences.
Control the strength of obfuscation with the split_level parameter. As the value of the split_level parameter is increased, the size of the function is also increased, and the function size...