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Route internationalization utility for Angular


Route internationalization utility for Angular

CircleCI coverage tested with jest Conventional Commits Greenkeeper badge Angular Style Guide

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ngx-i18n-router translates each path and redirectTo property of routes, during Angular app initialization and also during runtime - when the working language gets changed.


This 5.x.x branch is intented to work with @angular v5.x.x. If you're developing on a later release of Angular than v5.x.x, then you should probably choose the appropriate version of this library by visiting the master branch.

Also, please check the Workaround for '@ngtools/webpack' section if your app depends on @angular-cli or @ngtools/webpack for AoT compilation.


Name Description NPM
@ngx-i18n-router/core Route internationalization utility for Angular npm version
@ngx-i18n-router/http-loader Loader for ngx-i18n-router that provides route translations using http npm version
@ngx-i18n-router/config-loader Loader for ngx-i18n-router that provides route translations using ngx-config npm version



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  • Issue guidelines
  • Contributing guidelines
  • Coding rules
  • Change log

Thanks to

  • JetBrains, for their support to this open source project with free WebStorm licenses.


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2018 Burak Tasci