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Autumn 2017. A simple implementation of relational database with query optimization as the course project of Principles and Design of Database System, Renmin University of China.


A simple implementation of database system.

Recommended code debugging on Linux and Code::Blocks-16.01.

Getting Started


We recommand to build the project on Ubuntu(Version >= 16.04) with Code::Blocks-16.01. You may also need to install the following tools:

sudo apt install flex bison build-essential
sudo apt install glibc-doc
sudo apt install manpages-posix-dev


To run CarrotSQL, you need to change directory to dbms/, and make new directory as a workspace for the project (e.g., mkdir workspace).

Open the project in Code::Blocks

We support following SQL operations:

 create table (create table XXX())

 drop table (drop table XXX)

 insert (insert into XXX values())

 delete (delete * from XXX; delete from XXX where)

 update (update XXX set where )


 multiple tables join

P.S. select count(*) and limit are supported.
