mito copied to clipboard
Setup a regular (weekly) builds on Travis
The world is changing and it will be useful to check Mito against it by using "cron" builds on Travis.
For example, this pull request's check has failed:
but by looking at error:
Running a test file '/home/travis/build/fukamachi/mito/t/db/sqlite3.lisp'
> Error: Unbound variable: DBD.SQLITE3::PREPARED
> While executing: #<STANDARD-METHOD DO-SQL (DBD.SQLITE3:<DBD-SQLITE3-CONNECTION> STRING)>, in process listener(1).
> Type :GO to continue, :POP to abort, :R for a list of available restarts.
> If continued: Skip evaluation of (ros:run '((:eval"(ros:quicklisp)")(:script "/home/travis/.roswell/bin/run-prove""mito-test.asd")(:quit ())))
> Type :? for other options.
1 >
I can confidently say that this error can't be caused by the pull. Obviously, something in cl-dbi has changed since last successful Mito's build which happened 3 months ago.