Łukasz Neumann

Results 12 comments of Łukasz Neumann

I have a question regarding this API - is it possible to add methods that would mutate the edge in-place? I am unfamiliar with the exact underlying representation of edges,...

Ok, i will most probably take a look at this, as i will be running a lot of such operations in the algorithm i'm implementing. I will let you know...

Sure, do you want me to include it in the `Entry` API or rather open a standalone PR for the `change_edge_links` method? Also i'm currenty using `petgraph` for sparse, large...

While using the `zeros` iterator i have hit an edge-case -- if the bitset consisted of only one block, then such block wouldn't get masked and so iterator would yield...

I cherry-picked inline `count_ones` inline commit to this branch, as i'm using it for the project. If this is a problem then i will revert it and manage otherwise, although...

Yes, that's how I primarily imagined it. A lot of the times I find myself trying to see how the specific block of code has changed over the time and...

@dsummersl I could take on this issue, but not before the upcoming weekend. If you have a spare time however you could start hacking on that and I could help...

I'm sorry, looks like we have similar issues with time. If you have something written already please consider creating a WIP PR, as I might join in and hopefully help...

@blabaere it doesn't work that way, or I can't get it to work that way - what should be the path of my clone? If I clone it in the...

@blabaere oh I thought that there might be a way to just include C sources in a submodule, but you suggest putting both `nanomsg.rs` and `nanomsg` sources into submodules? Do...