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urllib3 v1.26.5 与 requests v2.22.0 依赖冲突

Open feeeei opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

我看到依赖最近升级了 urllib3 的版本,从 1.25.3 -> 1.26.5

但是在构建的时候, requests 2.22.0 不兼容 1.26x


#5 280.8 ERROR: Cannot install -r /app/requirements.txt (line 18) and urllib3==1.26.5 because these package versions have conflicting dependencies.
#5 280.8
#5 280.8 The conflict is caused by:
#5 280.8     The user requested urllib3==1.26.5
#5 280.8     requests 2.22.0 depends on urllib3!=1.25.0, !=1.25.1, <1.26 and >=1.21.1
#5 280.8
#5 280.8 To fix this you could try to:
#5 280.8 1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
#5 280.8 2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict
#5 280.8
#5 280.8 ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit


feeeei avatar Jul 22 '21 03:07 feeeei