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CVPR 2021 Oral paper "LED2-Net: Monocular 360˚ Layout Estimation via Differentiable Depth Rendering" official PyTorch implementation.
This is PyTorch implementation of our CVPR 2021 Oral paper "LED2-Net: Monocular 360˚ Layout Estimation via Differentiable Depth Rendering".
You can visit our project website and upload your own panorama to see the 3D results!
This repo is primarily based on PyTorch. You can use the follwoing command to intall the dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Preparing Training Data
Under LED2Net/Dataset, we provide the dataloader of Matterport3D and Realtor360. The annotation formats of the two datasets follows PanoAnnotator. The detailed description of the format is explained in LayoutMP3D.
Under config/, config_mp3d.yaml and config_realtor360.yaml are the configuration file for Matterport3D and Realtor360.
To train/val on Matterport3D, please modify the two items in config_mp3d.yaml.
dataset_image_path: &dataset_image_path '/path/to/image/location'
dataset_label_path: &dataset_label_path '/path/to/label/location'
The dataset_image_path and dataset_label_path follow the folder structure:
Then run main.py and specify the config file path
python main.py --config config/config_mp3d.yaml --mode train # For training
python main.py --config config/config_mp3d.yaml --mode val # For testing
To train/val on Realtor360, please modify the item in config_realtor360.yaml.
dataset_path: &dataset_path '/path/to/dataset/location'
The dataset_path follows the folder structure:
Then run main.py and specify the config file path
python main.py --config config/config_realtor360.yaml --mode train # For training
python main.py --config config/config_realtor360.yaml --mode val # For testing
Run Inference
After finishing the training, you can use the following command to run inference on your own data (xxx.jpg or xxx.png).
python run_inference.py --config YOUR_CONFIG --src SRC_FOLDER/ --dst DST_FOLDER --ckpt XXXXX.pkl
This script will predict the layouts of all images (jpg or png) under SRC_FOLDER/ and store the results as json files under DST_FOLDER/.
Pretrained Weights
We provide the pretrained model of Realtor360 in this link.
Currently, we use DuLa-Net's post processing for inference. We will release the version using HorizonNet's post processing later.
Layout Visualization
To visualize the 3D layout, we provide the visualization tool in 360LayoutVisualizer. Please clone it and install the corresponding packages. Then, run the following command
cd 360LayoutVisualizer/
python visualizer.py --img xxxxxx.jpg --json xxxxxx.json
author = {Wang, Fu-En and Yeh, Yu-Hsuan and Sun, Min and Chiu, Wei-Chen and Tsai, Yi-Hsuan},
title = {LED2-Net: Monocular 360deg Layout Estimation via Differentiable Depth Rendering},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2021},
pages = {12956-12965}