## Bug Report ### What version of TiKV are you using? 1247e6ef84c2a6afbee95d7bd25d92ad13bf84f8 ### What operating system and CPU are you using? K8S, x86 ### Steps to reproduce - Cluster with...
## Bug Report ### What version of TiKV are you using? ``` [root@upstream-tikv-7 /]# /tikv-server -V TiKV Release Version: 7.5.2 Edition: Community Git Commit Hash: 568b414e99bebf118eedd9b50f24f299efbcab79 ``` ### What operating...
### What did you do? 1. create mysql sink changefeed 2. run tpcc prepare ``` go-tpc tpcc --db workload --warehouses 80 -T 50 --host upstream-tidb.cdc-testbed -tps-7597190-1-758 --port 4000 --parts 1...
### What did you do? 1. Upstream: TiDB cluster with 1 cdc node; CDC downstream: MySQL 2. Create mysql sink changefeed 3. Run tpcc workload ``` /go-tpc tpcc --db workload...
### What did you do? 1. There are five changefeed (Kafka sink, simple protocol) running, each replicating a subset of the tables. 2. At first there are workload running for...
### What did you do? 0. Topo: Upstream TiDB --CDC-- Kafka -- Consumer -- MySQL 1. create Kafka open protocol changefeed: /cdc cli changefeed create "--server=" "--sink-uri=kafka://downstream-kafka.cdc-kafka-controller-tps-7508966-1-706:9092/cdc_kafka_network_partition?replication-factor=2&max-message-bytes=1048576&protocol=open-protocol" "--changefeed-id=kafka-open-protocol-task-1 2. Run...
### What did you do? 1. 07:51 - 07:55 Create 4 CDC clusters (each CDC cluster with 32C CDC nodes), for each CDC cluster create one changefeed, each changefeed replicating...
### What did you do? 1. TiDB cluster with CDC changefeed running normally 2. Inject ha-pdleader-io-delay-1s-last-for-5m (from 2024-09-04 12:37:58 to 22024-09-04 12:42:58) 3. Check cluster status and CDC lag ###...