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OpenVR Drivers for Project Northstar

Project Northstar OpenVR Driver

This is a work in progress more info

Thanks to Lincoln Stein for putting together some windows installer scripts to make getting started easier!

There are also packaged binaries and a NSIS based installer for Windows x64 builds availabe. The NSIS build is configured for RealSense T265 sensors.

Working with some polish needed

  • Head Tracking
  • Hand Tracking
  • View Projection
  • Skeletal tracking
  • Basic input
  • T265 Sensor integration

Notable unfinished parts

  • Gesture recognizer

Linux Support

If you're using the RealSense T265 sensor everything should compile and work on linux but you will need to configure cmake to find the appropriate linux versions of supporting libraries. In particular you'll need:

Platform specfic code has been written in IFDEF's and should be complete for Windows / Linux / OSX hosts.

Please let me know if you are running things on linux and make github isseus for any problems. Supporting other operating systems is a priority for me but I havent got SteamVR set up on my linux development host.

Build Instructions

Versions of vendored libs not included and where to get them:


  • LeapDeveloperKit 4.0.0+52238

Structure Sensor:

  • CrossPlatform SDK 0.7.1
  • PerceptionEngine 0.7.1

Build steps

git clone [email protected]:fuag15/project_northstar_openvr_driver.git
cd project_northstar_openvr_driver
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 ..
  • Open the generated solution and set northstart to the startup project (right click the project and choose the set as startup where the gear icon is) and build. Make sure to target x64 and a Release build to remove any object creation slowness.

  • The release will be in build/Release/

  • Copy all these dll's to wherever you want to install from, they should be combined into the resources/northstar/bin/win64 directory, make this if it does not exist and put all generated dll's inside.

Install steps

If using the installer instead of resources/northstar this will just be the northstar folder wherever you installed things.

  • register the driver with steamVR (using vrpathreg tool found in SteamVR bin folder) for me this is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\vrpathreg.exe
vrpathreg adddriver <full_path_to/resources/northstar>
  • vrpathreg is a command line tool, you have to run it via the command prompt. To do this, follow these steps. 1) open command prompt 2)run cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SteamVR\bin\win64\ 3)run vrpathreg adddriver <full_path_to/resources/northstar> 4) you can verify the driver has been added by typing vrpathreg in command prompt, it will show you a list of drivers installed.

  • at this point vrpathreg should show it registered under "external drivers", to disable it you can either disable in StamVR developer options under startup and manage addons, or vrpathreg removedriver full_path_to/resources/northstar

  • Running steamvr with the northstar connected (and no other hmd's connected) should work at this point but probably not have the right configuration for your hmd. Take the .json file from configuring your nothstar and convert it to the format found in resources/northstar/resources/settings/default.vrsettings

  • restart steamvr. If driver is taking a long time to start, chances are it got built in debug mode, Release mode optimizes a way a bunch of intermediate object creation during the lens distortion solve that happens at startup. If things are still going south please maka a bug, I'll do my best to get to them asap.


  • if you wish to remove controller emulation edit your .vrsettings configuration section and change enableControllers to false, if you wish to disable the models in game do the same for useRenderModels.