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Table of Contents

  • 1. About Missing Link Tutorials
  • 2. Datomic Tutorial
    • 2.1. Data Shape
    • 2.2. Map Fields
    • 2.3. Basic Schema
    • 2.4. Testdata
    • 2.5. Blow away and recreate DB
    • 2.6. Better Testdata
  • 3. Query the database
    • 3.1. Concept
    • 3.2. Breaking down a datomic query
    • 3.3. Datalog :where
    • 3.4. Datalog :find
    • 3.5. Tangent, getting the database
    • 3.6. Back to our query, tangent over!
    • 3.7. Pull Syntax
  • 4. Parent Child Data
    • 4.1. Many Refs Schema
    • 4.2. Testdata
    • 4.3. Querying Parent Child Data
    • 4.4. Parent Child Pull Syntax
  • 5. Deeper Understanding
    • 5.1. Fields cross SQL Table boundaries

About Missing Link Tutorials

I find a lot of technology doesn't have documentation that I can relate to. The style of Missing Link Tutorials is to be clear, succint, easy, and to cover concepts and essential practical aspects of the topic. Without further ado…

Datomic Tutorial

This tutorial was written for Datomic version: 0.9.5561, which was released on February 13, 2017.

Data Shape

You can think about the data that is stored in datomic as just a bunch of maps. Datomic doesn't have tables, like a relational database. Records (rows) are just maps chucked into a large pile. Datomic calls these maps Entities. The keys that these maps use are special, as we'll explain later.

Below is an explicit visual sample of how you can conceive of a datomic database:

[{:db/id 1
  :car/make "toyota"
  :car/model "tacoma"
  :year 2014}

 {:db/id 2
  :car/make "BMW"
  :car/model "325xi"
  :year 2001}

 {:db/id 3
  :user/name "ftravers"
  :user/age 54
  :cars [{:db/id 1}
         {:db/id 2}]}]

So this datomic database has 3 entries (entities/maps/rows). A user, ftravers, who owns 2 cars.

Every map (entity) will get a :db/id. This is what uniquely identifies that entity to datomic. Datomic :db/id's are actually very large integers, so the data above is actually a bit fake, but I keep it simple to communicate the concept.

As we can see in the above example, the :cars field (key) of the user ftravers points (refers/links) to the cars he owns using the :db/id field. The :db/id field allows one entity to refer to another entity, or as in this case, multiple other entities.

Map Fields

Entities (maps) in datomic, like idiomatic clojure, use keywords for its keys (fields).

Looking at all three records (maps/entities), in our sample database we can see that the collective set of keys (fields) used are:


Datomic doesn't allow you to just go ahead and pick any old keyword as a field (or key) to entity maps, like you could in plain old clojure. Rather we have to specify ahead of time which keywords entities in datomic are allowed to use. Defining which keys (fields) can be used by maps (entities) is the process of creating a datomic schema.

In the SQL world, creating a schema means defining table names, column names and column data types.

In datomic, we do away with the concept of a table. You could say datomic ONLY specifies 'columns'. Additionally, these columns have no relationship to (or grouping with) any other column. Contrast this with an RDBMS which groups columns with the concept of a table.

Here a column in SQL is equivalent to a field in datomic. When we specify a column in SQL we give it a name, and we indicate what it will hold, a string, integer, etc…

In datomic we do the same thing, we define fields stating what their name is and what type of data they hold. In Datomic nomenclature fields are referred to as attributes.

So this is a bit of a big deal. In RDBMS our columns are stuck together in a table. In datomic we define a bunch of fields that don't necessarily have anything to do with one another. We can randomly use any field we define for any record (map/entity) we want to store! Remember datomic is just a big pile of maps.

Again, we can only use fields that have been predefined (the schema), but other than that, we can create maps with any combinations of those fields. We'll revist this idea later on.

One more note, I've used both namespace qualified keyword fields like: :user/name and non-namespace qualified keyword fields like: :cars. I do this just to show that the keywords dont need to be namespace qualified, but it is best practice to do so. Why you may ask? One person suggested that they can be easier to refactor since they are more specific.

Okay enough concepts, let's see how to define a field.

Basic Schema

Here we create a field (define an attribute) in datomic. We'll start with creating just one field. This field will hold an email value.

(def schema
  [{:db/doc "A users email."
    :db/ident :user/email
    :db/valueType :db.type/string
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
    :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}])

:db/ident is the name of the field. So when we want to use this field to store data, this is the keyword that you would use.

:db/valueType is the type of data that this field will hold. Here we use the string datatype to store an email string.

:db/cardinality can be either one or many. Basically should this field hold a single item or a list of items.

Those are the important fields to understand conceptually. :db/doc is a documentation string, :db.install/_attribute instructs datomic to treat this data as schema field creation data.

Before we can start adding schema to a database, we need to create the database!

(def db-url "datomic:free://")
(d/create-database db-url)

Now we can load this schema definition into the database by transacting it like so:

(d/transact (d/connect db-url) schema)

or written a bit more functionally

(-> db-url
    (d/transact schema))


Now that we've defined a field, let's make use of it by creating/inserting an entity that makes use of the newly created field. Remember data inside datomic is just a map, so let's just create that map:

(def test-data
  [{:user/email "[email protected]"}])

Let's transact this data into the DB:

(-> db-url
    (d/transact test-data))

Blow away and recreate DB

When experimenting with datomic, I like to blow the database away, so I know I'm starting with a clean slate each time.

(d/delete-database db-url)
(d/create-database db-url)
(d/transact (d/connect db-url) schema)
(d/transact (d/connect db-url) test-data)

Here I blow it away, recreate a blank DB, recreate the connection, transact the schema and testdata.

Working code can be found under the

GIT BRANCH: basic-schema-insert

Better Testdata

Okay a DB with only one record (row/entity/map) in it is pretty boring. Also a db with only one string column (field) is next to useless! Let's create a DB with two entities (records/maps) in it. Also let's create a second field, age, so we can query the database for people 21 and older!

The schema:

(def schema
  [{:db/doc "A users email."
    :db/ident :user/email
    :db/valueType :db.type/string
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
    :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}

   {:db/doc "A users age."
    :db/ident :user/age
    :db/valueType :db.type/long
    :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
    :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}])

So we've added another field, age, that is type: :db.type/long. Now let's add some actual data:

(def test-data
  [{:user/email "[email protected]"
    :user/age 34}

   {:user/email "[email protected]"
    :user/age 14}])

GIT BRANCH: better-testdata

REMEMBER to transact this schema and testdata into your cleaned up DB! Otherwise you'll get an error for trying to add the :user/email field twice.

Query the database


Now we have seen how to add data to datomic, the interesting part is the querying of the data. A query might be: "Give me the users who are over 21", if you are making an app to see who is legal to drink in the United States, for example.

In regular RDBMS we compare rows of a table based on the values in a given column. The SQL query might look like:

SELECT email FROM users WHERE age > 21

In datomic we don't have tables, just a bunch of maps. So we don't have a FROM clause. In our case we want to inspect the :user/age field. This means, ANY entity (map), which has the :user/age field will be included in our query. This is a very important idea which we will revisit later to re-inforce.

Let's reinforce this concept. When maps use the same field, then any query on that field will pull in those maps. It doesn't matter if they have ANY other fields in common.

Contrast this with an RDBMS. First of all, all rows that belong to a given table will by definition have ALL the same exact fields. Second, if you had a column in another table that you'd like to apply the same query to, well there isn't a reasonable way to do that.

Often you'll find rows in an RDBMS that have null values, because for whatever reason, for those rows, having a value in that column doesn't make sense. This sometimes becomes a problem with modeling data in an RDBMS. If you have objects that have some fields in common but not other fields, you often have to break this up into multiple tables, and life gets complex. Like you might have a user table, an administrator table, a customer table, a person table, etc… This rigidity of RDBMS, can often make modeling data very counter-intuitive.

What do we gain by having this restriction? I would argue nothing. Datomic does away with this needless restriction of tables. Removing unneccessary restrictions IMO, is always a good thing.

Breaking down a datomic query

A query takes datalog for its first argument and a database to execute that datalog on, as the second argument. Let's just look at the datalog part first:

[:find ?e
 :where [?e :user/email]]

Datalog at a minimum has a :find part, and a :where part. First we'll examine the where part.

Datalog :where

The query (:where) part selects (narrows down) the records (entities). This is truly the querying part. So this corresponds to the WHERE clause in SQL.

The :find part, is basically dictates what to show from the found records. So this naturally corresponds to the SELECT part of SQL. Let's focus on the :where part first.

Where clauses take one or more vector clauses that are of the form:

[entity field-name field-value]

or in datomic speak:

[entity attribute value]

Working backwards in our example [?e :user/email], it only specifies the entity and attribute (field) aspects. It doesn't specify a field-value. What this means, is that the field-value doesn't matter, we dont care what it is, it can be anything.

Next we say we want maps (entities) that have the field (attribute): :user/email.

Finally, the ?e, means each entity (map) we find, store it in the variable ?e, because we are going to use it in the :find part of our datalog.

In summary this query reads like: "Get us all the entities in the DB that have the field: :user/email.

Datalog :find

Finally we have the :find part of the datalog. The correlates directly to the SELECT aspect of SQL, and it basically indicates what fields of the found records to return.

We just say: :find ?e, which can be read as: "Just return the entity itself to me." Datomic, kind of makes a short cut at this point and actually returns the entity-id instead of the entity itself. We will show later how to convert an entity-id, which is just an integer, into a clojure map that better reflects what that entity actually consists of.

Tangent, getting the database

This line:

(-> db-url d/connect d/db)

Is a tricky way to get the database. It basically reads, starting with the the database URL, pass that to the function d/connect which returns a database connection, then pass that connection to the function d/db which returns the actual database. The thread first -> saves us from having to type:

(d/db (d/connect db-url))

which we kind of have to read inside out to make sense.

Back to our query, tangent over!

Here is the full query,

(defn query1 [db]
  (d/q '[:find ?e
         [?e :user/email]]

and the result of running it:

datomic-tutorial.core> (query1 (-> db-url d/connect d/db))
#{[17592186045418] [17592186045419]}

GIT BRANCH: simple-first-query

Hmmm… Okay this is kind of far from what we put in. Below is the original data we trasacted into the DB:

(def test-data
  [{:user/email "[email protected]"
    :user/age 34}

   {:user/email "[email protected]"
    :user/age 14}])

The numbers returned by the query are the entity id's (:db/id) of the two records (maps) we transacted into the database.

We are going to convert these entity ids into familiar clojure maps using two approaches. The first approach is a bit more instinctive, and the second approach is more enlightened (elegant).

Instinctively, I'd look for an API to convert a :db/id into the actual entity that the id represents. So datomic has a function: (entity db entity-id), which is documented like so:

"Returns a dynamic map of the entity's attributes for the given id"

Okay that looks promising. A bit more research on google reveals the following works:

datomic-tutorial.core> (map #(seq (d/entity (d/db @db-conn) (first %))) (query1 (-> db-url d/connect d/db)))
(([:user/email "[email protected]"] [:user/age 34])
 ([:user/email "[email protected]"] [:user/age 14]))

Okay, that is the instinctual approach to extract the data we are looking for, but it isn't very elegant. Now let me introduce a more enlightened approach, pull syntax!

Pull Syntax

Instead of having the find clause look like:

:find ?e

we can convert that into pull syntax like so:

:find (pull ?e [:user/email :user/age])

and our output will now look like:

datomic-tutorial.core> (query1 (-> db-url d/connect d/db))
[[#:user{:email "[email protected]", :age 34}]
 [#:user{:email "[email protected]", :age 14}]]

Okay, that looks a lot nicer!

The way to understand pull syntax is that the first argument is the entity that you want to apply a pull pattern to. The second part is the pull pattern.

Let's remind ourselves of the shape of the data in the DB:

(def test-data
  [{:user/email "[email protected]"
    :user/age 34}

   {:user/email "[email protected]"
    :user/age 14}])

The pull pattern we use is: [:user/email :user/age]. Here we declare the fields from the entity that we want returned to us. Once again the result of the pull syntax:

datomic-tutorial.core> (query1 (-> db-url d/connect d/db))
[[#:user{:email "[email protected]", :age 34}]
 [#:user{:email "[email protected]", :age 14}]]

Much more user friendly!

Our query is a little boring, let's make a query that is more interesting than just "get all entities who have the :user/email field!

Let's modify this query to only return people who are 21 and over. Franklin, you aren't allowed to drink!

To achieve this we use the following TWO where clauses:

[?e :user/age ?age]
[(>= ?age 21)]

The first thing to note about this :where query is that it contains two clauses. Where clauses are implicitly AND-ed together. So both criteria need to be true for a given entity to be included in the results.

Let's breakdown the first part of the query:

[?e :user/age ?age]

Remember where clauses are in the format: [entity field-name field-value] or in datomic nomeclature [entity attribute value].

The [?e :user/age ?age] where clause reads like: "Find all entities that have the field (attribute) :user/age, and stick the entity into the variable ?e and stick the value of the attribute :user/age, into the variable ?age.

So for each entity that meets this criteria will have the entity stored in the ?e variable, and the age in the ?age variable. Now we can make use of the age value in the second where clause:

[(>= ?age 21)]

Okay this is a special, and super cool variant on normal where clauses. We can run ANY function here that returns a boolean result. We know the function >= is a boolean value returning function, so its legit.

Second, for each entity, the users age will be stored in the variable ?age, so we can simply pass the value of that variable into the function to get our bool result! This just says, we want "entities who have an age >= 21". Great!

So here is the full new query:

(defn query1 [db]
  (d/q '[:find (pull ?e [:user/email :user/age])
         [?e :user/age ?age]
         [(>= ?age 21)]]

And now we get the desired result, nicely formatted by our pull syntax:

datomic-tutorial.core> (query1 (-> db-url d/connect d/db))
[[#:user{:email "[email protected]", :age 34}]]

GIT BRANCH: query-pull-filter

Parent Child Data

Often we have data that owns other data. For example going back to our slightly modified first example:

[{:db/id "taco"
  :car/make "toyota"
  :car/model "tacoma"
  :year 2014}

 {:db/id "325"
  :car/make "BMW"
  :car/model "325xi"
  :year 2001}

 {:db/id 3
  :user/name "ftravers"
  :user/age 54
  :cars [{:db/id "taco"}
         {:db/id "325"}]}]

Because the ftravers entity map needs to refer to the toyota and BMW entity maps, we include a :db/id field. You can put in any string here for your convenience. After transacting into datomic, they'll get converted to large integers as we've seen before.

This data says ftravers, owns two cars, a toyota and a BMW . So how do we model this? First we start with the schema. We'll need to define the fields: :car/make, :car/model, :year, :user/name, :user/age, and :cars.

:car/make, :car/model, and :user/name are all of type string and cardinality one. For :year and :user/age we can use integers. :cars is the new one.

The field :cars has a cardinality of many; also the type that it will hold is of a type that points to other entities. We'll need a type that is like a pointer, reference or link.

Let's look only at the schema for :cars. You should be able to piece together the other fields from previous schema examples, or just look at the:

GIT BRANCH: parent-child-modeling

Many Refs Schema

For the :cars field, the schema definition will look like:

{:db/doc "List of cars a user owns"
 :db/ident :cars
 :db/valueType :db.type/ref
 :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/many
 :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}

Take special note of the values for cardinality and valueType.

We have used a valueType of :db.type/ref. This is how we point to (refer/link) to other entities in the DB. This is the critical difference between a database and regular old clojure data structures that don't support references.

The second thing to note is that the cardinality is set to many. That means this field will hold a list of values, not just a single value.


Now let's make some testdata that can be transacted into the DB:

(def test-data
  [{:db/id "taco"
    :car/make "toyota"
    :car/model "tacoma"
    :year 2014}

   {:db/id "325"
    :car/make "BMW"
    :car/model "325xi"
    :year 2001}

   {:db/id 3
    :user/name "ftravers"
    :user/age 54
    :cars [{:db/id "taco"}
           {:db/id "325"}]}])

GIT BRANCH: parent-child-modeling

Now that we have some parent/child data in the DB, let's see how to query and display it nicely.

Querying Parent Child Data

First we'll find the record we care about with a where clause that looks like:

[?e :user/name "ftravers"]

This reads: "find all the entities that have the :user/name attribute that has as its value ftravers".

Now let's demonstrate how to format the results nicely with a slightly more advance pull pattern.

Parent Child Pull Syntax

We have already learned how to extract entity fields with a basic pull pattern:

(pull ?e [:user/name :user/age])

retrieves the :user/name and :user/age fields from the found, ?e, entity/entities. Again the result of this look like:

datomic-tutorial.core> (query1 (-> db-url d/connect d/db))
[[#:user{:name "ftravers", :age 54}]]

but what we really want is something that looks like:

datomic-tutorial.core> (query1 (-> db-url d/connect d/db))
[[{:user/name "ftravers",
   :user/age 54,
   [#:car{:make "toyota", :model "tacoma"}
    #:car{:make "BMW", :model "325xi"}]}]]

So we want more than just the simple fields that an entity has, but we want to follow any references it has to other entities and get values from those entities.

To get the above we change the pull pattern to be:

 {:cars [:car/make :car/model]}]

So to get the children, and print out their fields, you start a new map, whose key is the parent field that points to the child. In our case :cars. Then you start a vector and list the properties of the child you wish to grab.

This is an extremely elegant way to extract arbitrary levels of data from datomic. Just imagine the mess this would look like with SQL. Maybe here is a stab just for comparison.

SELECT users.id users.name, users.age, cars.make, cars.model, cars.year
FROM users cars
WHERE users.id == cars.userid AND users.name == "ftravers"

And this would produce a result like:

[[1 ftravers 54 "toyota" "tacoma" 2013]
 [1 ftravers 54 "BMW" "325xi" 2001]]

for comparison the equivalent datalog is:

'[:find (pull ?e
               {:cars [:car/make :car/model]}])
  :where [?e :user/name "ftravers"]]

and its result, is nicely normalized:

[[{:user/name "ftravers",
   :user/age 54,
   [#:car{:make "toyota", :model "tacoma"}
    #:car{:make "BMW", :model "325xi"}]}]]

Deeper Understanding

Fields cross SQL Table boundaries

So pretend we have two entities like:

{:user/name "ftravers"
:year 1945}

{:car/make "BMW 325xi"
:year 2001}

In datomic we can compare these two seemingly quite different objects with each other because they share a field: :year. So I could write a query that returns ALL THINGS that are older than 35 years old. As I write this, it is 2017, so a 35 year old thing would be born (made) in approximately the year: 1982. So the where clause would look like:

[?e :year ?year]
[(<= ?year 1982)]

In RDBMS you normally are only ever comparing things that exist in the same table. So it'd be awkward to try a similar thing in an RDBMS. Primarily because they wouldn't have a combined index for fields in two separate tables. So your performance would die. In datomic each field has its own index, so a query like the above, would still be performant.