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openfng - deal with aimbots
yes, i know. impossible due to openness, generally impossible, false positives, etc. i disagree. first thing to keep in mind is who writes aimbots. good coders usually have no interest in writing kiddie shit like aimbots, therefore, the vast majority of such modifications are done by kids which are pretty restricted in what problems they can deal with. so even if any protection against aimbots could in theory be defeated due to teeworlds openness, a certain barrier in how difficult that is will, i claim, drastically decrease the aimbot problem.
i'd have a few approaches to detection of aimbots: the first and most obvious is, for each player who has an enemy in range, keeping track of the time aimed at the enemy, and the time not aimed at the enemy, and drawing conclusions out of that ratio. this would easily defeat 'tracking' aimbots
another one is taking a look at how a player aims/aimed shortly before and after shooting. let w denote our orientation, i.e. the angle we're aiming, t denotes the time. now if abs(dw/dt) goes really large, shortly before and after firing a weapon, and if those values are roughtly the same, we likely have a aim-at-on-shoot aimbot.
last but not least, a lot of information can be extracted simply by taking a look at how often a player has hit in contrast to how often he missed. even the uber pros will have some misses, aimbots as well, but it might support the formerly mentioned strategies.
for any other ideas, feel free to toss them in here
even lua scripting in n-client allows to make aimbot. So opensource is not a big reason of widespread of aimbots
in one of the old ictf fng mods, there was a pretty good mitigation, it was your first solution, simply the server sends a fake tune, saying the hooklength was 0 as well as the laserreach, most fags these days use clients from others, and also what you stated before, developers wont waste their time on this
the server sends a fake tune, saying the hooklength was 0 as well as the laserreach I don't understand how that mitigates aimbots. Care to elaborate?
Hm, i can show you on my server, i actually just finished doing it now, Most players use bot clients from other developers, most developers dont even make clients/bots anymore so i think we can be fine for some time, To continue, Most bots are done with what you said, Tracking/Range, So you can send a fake tune of the range being 0 And thus their bot wont work